Ignacio González-Blanch, Oficina de Cambio Climático y Eficiencia Energética de Telefónica
Telefónica is one of six Spanish companies that are part of the new CDP “Supplier Performance Climate Leadership Index“, comprising a total of 121 companies and which recognizes companies providing products and services that best manage risks and opportunities for energy and global carbon and inform their customers about the impact on emissions of services that deliver them.
By country, the report reveals that providers United States, Brazil, China and India are the least prepared against the risks of climate change. By contrast, France, UK, Spain and Germany are the most sustainable and those who have taken extensive measures despite having less exposure to this type of climate risks.
To rank this index, CDP has evaluated 3,396 companies that provided the questionnaire CDP Supply Chain 2014, of which only 121 companies have been rated ‘A’, the highest possible, giving access to part of the “CDP Climate Supplier Performance Leadership Index”.
The index included in the Supply Chain Sustainability Revealed: A Country Comparison – Supply Chain Report 2014–15, compared supply chains in different countries and includes information on World Risk Report of the United Nations.
At present the risks of climate change are a reality, making profitability and brand reputation of the companies may be affected by the practices in their value chain. This index stands as a tool to assess and track suppliers in your concern about climate change. Therefore, our customers ask us about the carbon footprint associated with the products and services we deliver them, as well as information on how we manage energy and carbon. Companies like Bank of America, Bradesco Bank, Walmart, Gas Natural SDG, Endesa, Accenture or Nokia-Siemens, have trusted Telefónica as their sustainable supplier.
Leading companies in the CDP detect and recognize the risks and opportunities of climate change mitigation. They have managed to implement cost-effective initiatives to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases and reduce their total emissions for more than 20 million tons in 2014.