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Telefónica is one of the most committed companies with the environment

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Telefónica has been rated as one of the most committed in the fight against climate change, according to British NGO Environmental Investment Organisation (EIO), which has included in the Top 5 of the last rankings.

Telefónica has been considered the 5th best company in the world in the ET Global 800 Carbon Ranking, while the Company holds the 4th place at European level in the ET Europe 300 Carbon Ranking. The two rankings measure accounting processes, verification and transparency of reporting of emissions of greenhouse gases in the largest world companies.

Furthermore, we have managed to place above our main competitors: BT, France Telecom, Vodafone, Telecom Italia and Deutsche Telecom, due to our integrated energy and carbon management policy.

Telefónica accounts its emissions of GHGs since 2007 based on sectorial  ofstandards and an specialized external verification by independent entities. Additionally, the company has an energy reduction target of 30% by 2015 and a target of CO2 emissions reduction 30% by 2020, both of them per client access equivalent.

This recognition is a result of the work carried out by the Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Office, the  Global Operations Direction and the energy managers in each of the countries where Telefónica operates.

More information:

Global Report:

European Report:

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