The DJSI index is one of the most demanding ones worldwide. At Telefónica, we understand corporate sustainability as a “business focus which strives towards the long-term creation of value for shareholders by taking advantage of the opportunities and the effective management of risks that are inherent to economic, environmental and social development”.
In line with this, Telefónica’s sustainability strategy is based on three levels of commitment: risk compliance and management, responsible improvement of productivity, and growth through sustainability. Thus, the company is responding to the demands of interest groups while helping make their vision a reality.
In the economic dimension, Telefónica stands out particularly for its supply chain management, its risk management and its tax policy. In the environmental dimension, the company has achieved the highest score in strategy for climate change and electromagnetic fields. In the social dimension, Telefónica stands out for its contribution to citizenship, its labour practice indicators and for human rights.
Telefónica has achieved the highest score in strategy for climate change and electromagnetic fields
According to an analysis by PwC, the telco contributes more than 53,600 million euros to the GDP of the markets in which it operates. The considerable weight of the Broadband which has been launched particularly stands out: it represented 2.2% for the GDP of these countries last year. In addition, Telefónica contributes to the employment of more than 1.2 million people.
RobecoSAM DJSI link: