Telefónica at the top

Let’s see how ‘The World’s Most Admired Companies’ is structured. On one hand, Fortune has created a sector ranking with 57 different industries. To create this 57 industry list,...

Reading time: 2 min

Let’s see how ‘The World’s Most Admired Companies’ is structured. On one hand, Fortune has created a sector ranking with 57 different industries. To create this 57 industry list, executives, directors and analysts of 673 companies from 32 countries were asked to rate companies in their own industry on nine criteria: Innovation, People management, Use of corporate assets, Social responsibility, Global competitiveness, quality of management, Financial soundness, Long-term investment and Product/services quality. On the other hand, Fortune has also set a general ranking with the top 50 Most Admired Companies overall. To create this list, Fortune, through a consulting firm, asked 4,100 executives, directors, and securities analysts who had responded to the industry surveys to select the 10 companies they admired most. They chose from a list made up of the companies that ranked in the top 25% in last year’s surveys, plus those that finished in the top 20% of their industry. Anyone could vote for any company in any industry.

Of the nine parameters analyzed, Telefónica was awarded first place for Innovation, Use of corporate assets, RSC, Long-term investment and Global competitiveness. In addition, our company ranks among the top three companies of the sector in Human resource management, Excellence in management, Financial soundness and Quality of products and services. For the American publication our Company is located at the top of the podium owing to its strong position in Latin America and its broad customer base, exceeding that of such companies as Verizon or AT&T, who for years occupied the top of the chart. Of the 57 sectors listed in the rankings, 22 are led by new companies that are emerging strongly and posing a threat to their competitors, according to Fortune, which describes the fact that Telefónica has overthrown its two main rivals as remarkable and “dramatic”.

The good thing about these rankings is that they are scored by COs of big companies, not analysts that are ‘out of the business world’. Being well perceived by other companies could be a hint to believe that, in some areas, we are in the right track. However, we still need to improve in some others where we are not so well perceived.

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