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Telefónica 100 Live: how we experienced it

On 18 May we enjoyed a historic concert at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium, with artists like Alejandro Sanz, Ana Mena or Hombres G. Don't miss this video summary.


Telefónica is celebrating its birthday in 2024, the year that marks the first century of the company’s history.

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Among the many celebrations that have been taking place over the last few months to commemorate the centenary, one of the most spectacular was the historic concert held on 18 May at the Santiago Bernabéu stadium in Madrid.

It featured artists such as Alejandro Sanz, Hombres G and Ana Mena as headliners, accompanied by guest artists such as Delaporte, Taburete and 84.

The ‘Telefónica 100 Live’ was one of the first major events that the Real Madrid venue hosted after its remodelling.

Concert for charity

The more than 50,000 tickets sold, at the symbolic and unified price of 25 euros, were donated to some twenty organisations that carry out social projects with Fundación Telefónica.

These are Aldeas Infantiles SOS de España, Red Cross, AECC, Mensajeros de la Paz, Fundación José María de Llanos, UNHCR ACNUR, Fundación apsuria, Fundación NÚMEN, Save the Children, Zubietxe, Fundación Baila, Fundación FDI, SEO Birdlife, Fundación Bobath, Fundación Tomillo, Special Olympics, Creática, Fundación Inocente Inocente, Médicos del Mundo and World Vision.

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