Sport and communication, a relationship for the future

I don't know of any feeling similar to the one you get when your team scores a goal. I don't know of any feeling similar to the one you get when your team scores a goal. There is none. A ball that crosses a white line is transformed into a shared ecstasy among thousands of fans who do not know each other and who come from all walks of life, ages and religions. They all shout at the same time, hug each other and rejoice in a way that is as effusive as it is irrational. Don't you think it's an extraordinary way of communicating your happiness?

Find out more about sport and communication, a relationship for the future.

Alejandro Paniagua Follow

Reading time: 3 min

A very high percentage of our platform’s customers are sport lovers. That’s why sport is gold for any platform.

The importance of communicating passion for sport

Our business has been the ambassador of the best sport competitions for more than 30 years. We see ourselves as the eyes for fans who are not in the stadium. We are the soundtrack for those who can’t hear from the stands and the way that connects fans with the football fields, basketball halls or tennis courts.

More than three decades have gone by and society has changed and we have changed with it. There was no X, no Instagram, but neither was there UHD (4K), apps for our TV or semi-automatic offside. But there was the same passion for sport, for celebrating your team’s victories or waiting anxiously for Sunday to arrive to listen to the voice of Carlos Martínez and Michael Robinson. Many things have changed, others not so much.

The transmitting vehicle

The marriage between sport and communication is forever and it is getting stronger and stronger. A transmitting vehicle is needed to tell what happens on the pitch and we are that vehicle. A vehicle that has to be fast, effective and of the highest quality. And when a platform like Movistar Plus+ has the responsibility of transmitting this passion to the world, it has to do so with the utmost commitment and professionalism.

Just as fans want the best players for their team, we make sure we have the best professionals to ensure an unbeatable experience for our customers.

Our efforts in communication and in the way we bring the competitions to our clients (not only in broadcasts, but also in programmes and ad-hoc formats for each discipline) make some of the best partners in sport want to be part of our family.

Álvaro Benito, Mateu Lahoz or Jorge Valdano are just a few examples of all the great ex-footballers, ex-colleagues, ex-coaches… who today form part of the extensive team of commentators, presenters and analysts of our teams. They join the most recognisable names in television sports journalism such as Carlos Martínez, Julio Maldonado ‘Maldini’, Noemí de Miguel, Susana Guasch, Juanma Castaño… who welcome with open arms new talents such as Helena Condis, Rubén Ibeas or Sara Giménez.

Our commitment to the way sport is told is absolute. Customers who commit to our platform deserve to have their colours treated in the same way, whatever they are. For this reason, we sing the goals, the baskets, the points or the touchdowns, with enthusiasm and respect. We try to be faithful with the information and we take care of all our communication vehicles, both on air and on social networks, trying to maintain the same editorial line and embracing the languages of each format with the utmost consideration. In communication, we strive to move away from histrionic journalism and we take care of our communication in each broadcast, post, event or press release, so that they coexist naturally.

The importance of giving a voice to all sports

It is vital to give a voice to the most important tournaments and also to the modest ones that have a large community. We are committed to the TOP competitions such as the UEFA Champions League, LALIGA EA Sports, the acb, the NBA or Wimbledon… and we also promote other sports and fans of rugby, the NFL or paddle tennis meet with the best experts in each discipline… Welcome to Estadio Infinito.

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