Some interesting readings on the Digital Economy and Public Policies

In the ICT sector, there are plenty of interesting reports and papers published every month analyzing the ICT issues related to public policies.    Here are some of our...

Reading time: 3 min

Chema Alonso

Chief Data Officer, Telefonica.

In the ICT sector, there are plenty of interesting reports and papers published every month analyzing the ICT issues related to public policies.


 Here are some of our recommended readings based on the reports published in April, for those who wish to be updated!


–          Economic & social ICT impact :


“Global Information Technology report 2014, WEF”


The annual WEF report evaluates the ICT impact on countries competitiveness and on benefits for users, throught the Networked Readiness Index (NRI). The NRI ranks 148 economies in leveraging ICT to increase productivity, economic growth and jobs. This is the 13th edition of this report.


You can access it here.


–          Relevance of ICT infrastructures:


“Delivering Internet Infrastructure, Advancing the internet Economy, WEF”


The report examines the current threats to digital infrastructure and suggests approaches and actions for addressing them before they affect the flow of information and services that serve the digital economy. One of the main conclusions is that there is a need to modernize policies and regulations to encourage investment and innovation, adopting a light-touch approach across the entire ICT value chain.


You can access the report here.


–          International regulatory ICT trends:


“Trends in Telecommunication Reform Special Edition – Fourth-generation regulation: Driving digital communications ahead, from ITU (2014)”


Annual report of the ITU analyzing main trends of regulatory issues from the policy makers and regulators perspectives, but also indicating key numbers of the industry and regulatory challenges that need to be solved in the very next future.


You can download it here (free of access): ITU Trends in Telecommunication Reform Special Edition – Fourth-generation regulation: Driving digital communications ahead (2014)


–          Smart cities:


“IESE report cities in motion”


New study ranking 135 smart cities worldwide, through the IESE (one of the top ranked international business schools in the world) index on Cities in Motion (ICIM). This index takes into account 50 indicators from 10 different areas such as governance, public management, urban planning, technology, environment, social cohesion, mobility, human capital and economy, amongst others.


The report highlights the importance of having a broad overview of urban management. It also describes a delay in impact of public policies, the influence of the national context, the absence of a single model of success, and the discrepancy between cities’ reputations and their realities. Tokio, London and New York City are on the top of the ranking.


You can have a look to the report here (only in Spanish).


And a good explanation (in English) here.


–          Digital economy in Europe:


“Accelerating Europe´s come back: digital opportunities for competitiveness & growth (Accenture)”


The report shows that Europe needs to improve its competitiveness and that digital technologies could help in reaching this aim. According to the report, the massive and adequate use of digital technologies could give to Europe a better competitiveness, a better productivity and innovation.


Have a look at it here.


“The Digital World in 2030: What place for Europe?” (EIF)


With this special report, the European Internet Foundation (EIF) challenges European political leaders and policy-makers to put Europe’s place in the digital world of 2030 at the center of their priorities today. Acting today will prepare a better future.


You can access the report here.  


Have a good reading!

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