September 2015 Digital Economy Reports

The beginning of the autumn has been very active concerning the launch of new and interesting reports covering from the potential contribution of ICTs to the new SDGs to the relevance of...

Natalia Moreno

Natalia Moreno Rigollot Follow

Reading time: 7 min

The beginning of the autumn has been very active concerning the launch of new and interesting reports covering from the potential contribution of ICTs to the new SDGs to the relevance of broadband for national economies and the need to foster investments in this area, but also the European review to improve the future Digital Single Market with the launch of several consultations on key issues. I hope you will find this recap useful and interesting.


The State of Broadband 2015, ITU, September 2015.

The UN Broadband Commission has published its annual report on the state of Broadband worldwide, providing useful data on broadband penetration and how to better respond to the next challenge: connect the 57% of the world´s people who remain offline. The report recognizes the relevance of broadband for social and economic growth and as a factor of success to reach the SDGs recently approved. It also delivers some policy recommendations to maximize the benefits of broadband.

International Benchmark Report, Analysis Mason for BT, September 2015.

This study was commissioned by BT and presents factual data from 2014 and forecasts to 2020, situating the UK as the most competitive broadband market of all the countries it features. The report compares also the UK with other countries well advanced in digital economy such as Japan or Korea.

Digital Consumer Survey, COMRES for ETNO, September 2015.

ETNO and ComRes have published a consumer survey concerning the digital habits and expectations in most relevant European markets. The objective is to show that consumers act differently towards the new digital services and the convergence of services and that the current regulatory framework is not valid anymore and need to be reviewed.

The survey covers issues such as the use of personal data, smartphones, apps and operating systems, but also the questions concerning the quality of service.

Informe anual del índice de Desarrollo de la Banda Ancha en América Latina y el Caribe, BID, September 2015(only in Spanish)

The BID has published with digiLAC, the Index of Development of Broadband (IDBA) in order to measure the current status of development of Broadband in the Latin American region and allowing the identification of the main barriers for broadband development. This index is based in 4 pillars: public policies and strategic vision, regulatory strategy, infrastructures and finally applications and skills analyzed in different 65 countries (Latin America and OCDE countries).


How ICT can achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, Ericsson, September 2015.

At the same time of the adoption of the new Sustainable Development Goals by the UN, an interesting joint research between Ericsson and the Earth Institute at Columbia University explains the relevant role of ICTs in achieving the designed 17 SDGs by 2030. The main idea is that to reach these aims, it is essential to adopt a multistakeholder approach, involving the cooperation of Governments, private sector and academia too. It also underlines the need to foster the digitization of the public sector and also some recommendations for the private sector and the need of public-private partnerships.

Broadband opportunity and Council report & recommendations, White House, Washington, September 2015.

After the signature by President Obama of a Presidential memorandum on Broadband last March 2015, the Broadband Opportunity Council was created and its aim was to produce specific recommendations to increase broadband deployment, competition and adoption within the USA, Here are the report of recommendations based on 4 main axes related to how to foster investments in broadband deployment, promote the use of broadband, promote broadband competition but also improve data collection analysis and research on Broadband.

Broadband Infrastructure, Supporting the Digital Economy in the European Union, EP, September 2015.

This report delivered by the European Parliament as an in-deph analysis shows that broadband infrastructure is a key element for the digital economy in Europe. The data show that broadband deployment increases employment and spurs economic growth. Therefore, it recommends to foster efforts in deploying and expanding broadband coverage in the very next years to meet EU´s 2020 targets. The report also underlines the important role of policy makers in establishing smart public policies to foster broadband deployment.

Smart Single Market Regulation, EU Parliament, September 2015.

This study prepared for Policy Department A at the request of the Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee at the European Parliament proposes a consolidated governance system that would serve as a tool for smart Single Market regulation toward 2020 and beyond. It outlines areas for improvement in Single Market regulation through the adoption of performance-based policy concepts. It also reviews the scope for making better use of the Single Market governance tools to improve the effectiveness of regulation.

Public consultation on the evaluation and the review of the regulatory framework for electronic communications networks and services, European Commission, September 2015.

The European Commission has launched a large survey opened until next 7th December on the evaluation of the current regulatory framework on 5 different policy areas such as network access regulation, spectrum management, communications services, Universal service and institutional set-up and governance. The survey will help in evaluating the outcomes and the needs of reform to better achieve the Digital Single Market Strategy.

The European Commission is also looking for comments concerning other relevant issues for the future Digital Single Market, such as the need for Internet speed and quality beyond 2020 (till 7th December), on ICT Standards (open till 4th January 2016), Online platforms, cloud & data, liability of intermediaries, collaborative economy (open till 4th January 2016),geo-blocking (open till 30th December). This autumn will be very active for the sector…


More Radio Spectrum for the Internet of Things, OFCOM, September 2015.

Ofcom has launched a new consultation until 12thNovember on plans to encourage investment and innovation in the Internet of Things by using 10 MHz of existing spectrum for new applications.


The Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016, WEF, September 2015.

This is the World Economic Forum report, published annually to analyze the level of competitiveness of 140 different economies providing useful information to design smart public policies to foster national productivity. It draws a complete landscape of the current global economic situation and delivers recommendations on potential areas of actions. The report ranks the different national economies based on several pillars. ICTs are considered as a key driver and producing some considerable changes in some economies and talent-driven economies are better prepared to affront the digital changes.


Big Data & Smart Devices and their Impact on Privacy, European Parliament, September 2015.

This study shows the relevance of big data and the expected success of the Internet of Things in the future, but also expresses some concerns of the increase of personal data collection and processing. The report considers that more efforts need to be done concerning the information given to users related to the collection and use of their personal data. The main idea is that even if we are going towards a data-driven economy, the rights of the European citizens should not be diminished and need to be highly protected.

The Economics of Digital Identity, The Economist, September 2015.

Digital ID will be key in the future: this is the main idea of this short report, showing that those businesses that will be able to positively harness the identity issue in the digital world will be more competitive.


The Global Innovation Index 2015, Effective Innovation Policies for Development, September 2015.

The Global Innovation Index (GII) is an annual report published by WIPO, INSEAD Business School and Cornell University, giving a good overview on how to improve public policies based on innovation to foster growth and economic productivity. This index is based on several indicators, covering 141 countries. In the pole position, we can see Switzerland, the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands and the USA.


Students, Computers & Learning, Making the Connection, OECD, September 2015.

This OECD report analyzes how the students access and use ICTs and how education institutions are also using ICTs to expand ways of learning. The report focusses on the potential digital divide and the reasons of this digital gap, drawing some conclusions based on the relevance of ICTs for young people and the need to provide access and the adequate skills to allow them to grab all the potential benefits of digitization.

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