The satisfaction of our customers

We all know that customers are the main asset of a company, and in our business, a highly competitive environment full of commercial battles, every contact with the customer is decisive and counts to achieve their loyalty and maintain their enthusiasm for the brand.

Find out more about our customer satisfaction. Enter now and don't miss it. Learn more about our success story

Alberto Alfonso Pordomingo Follow

Reading time: 4 min

With customer satisfaction we measure the feedback our customers have on the evaluation of our products and services.

  • The ratings are a reference to improve the service offered and also to know in detail what they need.
  • To measure customer satisfaction we have to take into account the following concepts:
  • Expectations: what our customers expect from us as a brand.
  • Experiences: customer perceptions that result from all their interactions with us.
  • Perception: what our customers feel about our products and our brand. It is an opinion that is formed through every interaction they have with Telefónica, both direct and indirect.
  • Performance: This element refers to the performance of our products or services, their functionality, operation and all the attributes inherent in what we offer.

Success story

As a success story, I would like to tell you about the personal Net Promoter Score (NPS) Satisfaction survey interview that we have carried out.

It is a direct and personal interview with the person in charge of telecommunications at the Grand Account. Our interlocutor is the person who deals with Telefónica on a day-to-day basis and who has the best and most complete vision of all interactions with Telefónica, a broad vision of the business and decision-making power, and knowledge of all the processes of the Large Account.

In the introduction, we characterise the customer by identifying the products and services they have contracted and we ask them about their current situation with Telefónica, the status and validity of their contracts, if there are any renegotiation processes, if they have any installations pending or if they are planning new developments or studying new offers.

Once the ice has been broken, we move on to the assessment of the survey levers, these are the items subject to assessment:

  • Offer: We ask you about the quality of the offers and technical proposals you receive from Telefónica Empresas.
  • Delivery/provision: Whether you consider the delivery of the services you contract from Telefónica Business to be satisfactory.
  • Project Office Manager: We asked about the attention given to you by your Project Office Manager.
  • Operation: Whether you are satisfied with the operation of the services you have contracted with Telefónica Business.
  • Breakdowns: If you consider the attention given to breakdowns to be satisfactory.
  • Service Management: Whether you are satisfied with the service provided by the Service Manager.
  • CEX Management Centre: If you are satisfied with the attention you receive from your Centre of Excellence.
  • Transparency: To what extent do you consider that the information provided by Telefónica Empresas is clear and transparent?
  • Quality/Price: Are you satisfied with the Quality/Price of the services you have contracted with Telefónica Empresas?
  • Billing: Are you satisfied with the billing of the services you have contracted with Telefónica Business?
  • Web Portals: How easy would you say it is for you to carry out your transactions through the Web Portals?
  • Sales and Negotiation Manager: How satisfied are you with the service provided by your sales team and how easy would you say it is for you to carry out your transactions through your sales team?
  • Customer Management Centre: Are you satisfied with the attention you receive from the CGC and how easy would you say it is for you to carry out the processing of your transactions through the customer management centre.

Once these levers have been assessed, we move on to the customer loyalty block, where we collect customer satisfaction in three sections:

  • Recommendation: As a company, how likely would you be to recommend Telefónica Empresas’ services, where 1 means that you would certainly not recommend and 10 means that you would certainly recommend.
  • Satisfaction: What is your overall level of satisfaction with Telefónica Business on a scale of 1 to 10?
  • Loyalty: How likely are you to continue to be a Telefónica Business customer in the next 12 months, where 1 is Not at all likely and 10 Very likely.

Once the assessment of the loyalty block has been collected, with several questions, we delve into the section on general suggestions:

What aspect do you think could be improved to increase your satisfaction, what do you value most and what needs to be improved, would you say that your satisfaction with Telefónica Business has improved or worsened over the last year, what would you highlight about Telefónica Business as a provider of the service we offer you, do you think Telefónica Business is aligned with the needs of your company, and what would you say is the most important aspect of the service we offer you, and do you think Telefónica Business is aligned with the needs of your company?

Finally, we asked about the evaluation of the competition, to find out whether Telefónica Empresas is the main fixed and mobile telecommunications company in terms of turnover, with which company you are most satisfied and why, and the same questions, but with IT services.

With all this information, we draw up a report with the result of the personal interview carried out, which we share with the whole organisation. In the case of detecting negative aspects, the corresponding action plans will be activated to activate solutions to the detected incidents, all of which we will tell you about later, in the next article.

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