Pre-production: the art of turning stories into audiovisual content

Today I want to share with you what my work is like, which from the outside may seem to be a thing of pure creativity and action, but in reality requires a lot of concentration and, above all, organisation.

Find out more about pre-production: the art of turning stories into audiovisual content.

Reading time: 5 min

I am passionate about my work and enjoy creating visual stories on a daily basis. However, although I love what I do, there is something that is often forgotten when we talk about audiovisual production: the price.

So today I want to talk to you about how I approach each project and why it is so important not to lose sight of resources, both financial and technical, when we start dreaming about that perfect video.

Every story needs a tone

When I’m asked to make an audiovisual, the first thing I ask myself is: what tone are we going to tell this story in? Because yes, even if it’s a corporate video, there is a story to tell. There may be no dialogue, there may not be a narrator, but there has to be a common thread, a coherence that gives meaning to everything that is shown. I remember a professor at university telling us: ‘If you turn down the volume of a film and you still understand what it’s about, then the director has done his job well’. How right he was! That’s where the real challenge begins: making the images speak for themselves.

Knowing the audience and defining the target

Before starting to work, we must be clear about who the message is aimed at and what we want to achieve with it. Targeting a group of young people interested in technology is not the same as targeting an audience of professionals looking for training. And a video designed to generate emotions is much less so than one that seeks to inform. This is the basis for building the project. Once the audience and the target have been defined, we can start the creative machinery. But here comes the detail that many people forget: you can have an overflowing imagination, but you have to be coherent with the resources you have.

The dreams of ‘Game of Thrones’ and the reality of budgeting

This is where we land: can we make a ‘Game of Thrones’? Of course, as long as we have millions for production. But if our budget is tight, it’s time to get creative with what we have. This includes locations, costumes, technical equipment such as cranes, lighting, everything! Because, although I would love to have dragons flying over the set, if there is no budget even for a fan to simulate the wind, you have to look for other ways to tell the story with the same quality.

Pre-production: where it all begins

This is, without a doubt, the most important moment of any production. Here we plan every detail. From the script, adapted to what we can really achieve, to the choice of locations and the time of day we are going to shoot to take advantage of natural light. But there is something even more crucial: the shots and the storyboard.

Camera shots and Story Board: key to success

When all this is clear, it’s time to think about the shots. How many shots do we need? Where will the camera go in each scene? This is where I usually do my famous drawings. I like to draw the camera floor plans and framing for each shot. A sort of map so that the whole team knows exactly what I want and how I want each shot. These ‘little drawings’ have saved me on more than one occasion from making mistakes that later, in post-production, would be very difficult to fix.

The storyboard: the map of our story

A well-defined rundown is essential to ensure that the filming is carried out efficiently. This tool allows us to detail the continuity and timing of each shot. Why is it so important? Because, although the story is told in a linear fashion, recordings rarely follow that order. Often all the scenes are filmed first in the same location or with the same character, and then ordered in post-production. That’s why the rundown needs to be so well detailed that any crew member knows exactly what we’re shooting, where in the script that shot is, and what shots we need to make it all fit together in the edit.

With a clear and precise rundown, we can optimise shooting time and avoid unnecessary wastage. It also facilitates the work of the editor, who, on receiving the material, will know exactly which shot corresponds to which moment of the story. This not only speeds up post-production, but also avoids mistakes such as axis jumps, continuity problems or, even worse, having to sacrifice shots because they don’t fit in the final edit.

The importance of the team and communication

Working as a team is key. Each person must understand perfectly what the objective is, and my job as director is to communicate it as clearly as possible. During the shoot there is no time to waste, so everything has to be organised beforehand. And here, control is essential. It’s not about being a bossy boss, but about knowing exactly what you want so that everything runs smoothly. If everyone knows what their role is, the filming flows and the magic starts to happen.

Take advice and trust the professionals

Pre-production is where the success or failure of a project is defined. That’s why I would like to make an appeal to those who order audiovisual products: let the professionals advise you. Give us time to think, to plan and to create something we can all be proud of. With the right resources and enough time, everything shines.

In short, creating a good audiovisual is not just a matter of having a great idea. It’s about knowing how far you can go with what you have and, above all, planning every detail. Because, although the final product may seem like magic, behind each shot there is a lot of work, organisation and a team that works hard to make sure that the story touches the hearts of those who see it.

So the next time you think about a video, remember that you are not only buying images, but also the time, passion and effort of a whole team that wants to tell an unforgettable story.

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