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Pets in Home Office

A few years ago, working from home or what we know as home office became a necessity due to the Covid-19 pandemic we experienced internationally, today it is a normality to which many companies have adapted and evolved, finding that it also has many opportunities and challenges.

Bringing our pets to work? Find out more about Pets at Home Office

Luisa Dorel Peña Guzmán

One of these is that we spend most or all of our working day at home, depending on the type of work you do, part of spending time at home is spending time with your pet(s).

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Does it reduce stress?

According to El Economista newspaper in Mexico, it has been found that among the benefits of the home office is sharing more time with pets and employees who share a workspace with a dog experience less stress compared to those who do not.

However, it is important to be careful with the workspace, adapt the space so that both can coexist in the same workplace, establish routines that allow you and your pet to have a defined time for both to meet their needs, make the most of your breaks by making them productive with your pet, etc.

Other benefits

Sharing work space with your pet is not the only activity that can bring you benefits, according to the Mexican Diabetes Federation, A.C., you can also take advantage of the time you spend with your pet and exercise with it, which brings other benefits, as according to a study by the Wellness Institute at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, those who do physical activities with their pet, can be motivated by them to go for a walk, depending on the continuity and constancy that you give your dog. Other benefits are also noted, such as strengthening the bond with your companion, giving them a better quality of sleep by having an activity that gives them calm and enough stimulation to reduce their stress.

Take our pets to work?

Yes… as you read it. It has been shown through various studies and confirmed by some specialists that living with your pet reduces stress and can bring many other benefits, therefore, there are initiatives such as Pets at Work by Purina, which basically focuses on implementing programs that convert the work environment into a pet friendly one.

And is this possible? Although it may seem hard to believe, yes. Obviously this would depend on each company, however, it is an interesting project, it was carried out in Nestlé Chile, where they executed this project, starting with a census to find out if it was of interest to the company to have a day with their pets, with this and the design of this, they managed that every Friday employees working in the head office can spend their working day with their dogs, they have rules, hygiene requirements and other things.

Pets are our companions, whether they are dogs, cats, fish that accompany us from their fish tank, ferrets, reptiles, etc. Remember to give them the care they require and dedicate time to their entertainment, they need us to coexist. And what pet do you have or which one would you like to have?

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