Blog20/11/2015 Public PolicyDigital Economy in LATAM and its sustainable development: is it possible?
Blog05/11/2015 ESG Telefónica is among the best Telcos in the world due to its transparent management of climate change according to CDP
Blog02/11/2015 Public Policy Zero-Rating banning: When regulators reduce consumer choice to preserve it
Blog02/11/2015 ESG How could ICTs and digitization contribute to the new SDGs? (part 2) Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog28/10/2015 Public Policy Telefonica welcomes Regulation to protect the Open Internet and put an end to Roaming charges
Blog22/10/2015 Public Policy New opportunities for all by converged ICT ecosystems: new users, new services or new segments?
Blog13/10/2015 Public Policy ETNO CEO Statement on Achieving Europe’s Digital Single Market Chema Alonso