Blog08/07/2021 Public PolicyThe virtuous circle of supply and demand in the challenge of digital inclusion Raquel Carretero Juárez
Blog29/06/2021 Public PolicyAggregated and anonymised data from mobile network operators to fight the Covid-19 crisis Richard Benjamins
Blog23/06/2021 Diversity We are committed to equality and respect for LGBT+ people Marta MachicotElena Valderrábano
Blog07/06/2021 Networks and technology Open RAN Technical Priority Document, by the Open RAN MoU signatories (Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica, TIM and Vodafone) – June 2021
Blog19/05/2021 Public Policy A fit for purpose and borderless European Artificial Intelligence Regulation
Blog29/04/2021 Public Policy Innovation and collaboration: the keys to connecting the unconnected in rural areas
Blog07/04/2021 Public Policy Trust, efficiency and security: the main advantages of Blockchain technology
Blog22/03/2021 Public Policy The European Union and Latin America: towards an inclusive technological alliance
Blog12/03/2021 Public Policy The private sector’s drive for digital recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean