Blog22/09/2022 ESGSDGs 7th anniversary: Telefónica’s contribution to the 2030 Agenda José María Bolufer de Francia
Blog16/09/2022 Public Policy What about digital? The big absence in the State of the Union address Paloma Villa Mateos
Blog09/09/2022 Public Policy Digital and green transition or technology for the planet Raquel Carretero Juárez
Blog23/08/2022 Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence and work, a binomial full of advantages
Blog29/07/2022 Public Policy Digital education: building the future from classrooms to businesses Sara Candela Esteban
Blog22/07/2022 Public Policy Net Neutrality & Fair Share: a well-matched couple Juan Luis Redondo Maíllo
Blog20/07/2022 Public Policy It’s all about value, not price: Europe vs. the U.S. Javier Domínguez LacasaFernando Herrera González
Blog14/07/2022 Public Policy How to improve the global competitiveness of European companies? Dácil Jiménez DelgadoPaloma Villa Mateos
Blog12/07/2022 Public Policy Towards pro-investment market structures in the telecom sector Nuria TalayeroDácil Jiménez Delgado