Blog20/07/2023 Public Policy The E-commerce Moratorium: the tax debate on digital trade Pablo Barrionuevo
Blog20/07/2023 Thespanishomeletthing Telefónica as seen by Amaya Villachica, from the ProFuturo support team Amaya Villachica
Blog17/07/2023 Public Policy Beyond the new EU-US Data Privacy Framework, Privacy and Openness Cristina Vela Marimon
Blog17/07/2023 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Proptech: the technological revolution in the real estate sector
Blog14/07/2023 Public Policy Spanish Presidency: promoting the European Union-Latin America Alliance José Juan Haro
Blog11/07/2023 Public Policy Net Neutrality: Big Tech´s go-to excuse to kill Fair Share is a red herring Gonzalo López-Barajas
Blog07/07/2023 Public Policy European reindustrialisation, one of the challenges of Spanish presidency Dácil Jiménez Delgado
Blog05/07/2023 Public Policy State Aid for 5G in rural areas: one pillar for competitiveness Alejandra García Hoyos
Blog05/07/2023 Sustainable development Global warming and the greenhouse effect: what is the difference?