Blog08/09/2011 ESGTelefónica improves by 4 points its position in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index 2011
Blog31/08/2011 Public Policy End of the summer: Santander Telecommunications yearly Summit Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog30/08/2011 Public Policy XIV Summit of Regulators and Operators in Santo Domingo: all about Broadband for Latin-America!
Blog08/08/2011 Public Policy What will be the impact of connected cars and roads in the future Digital Economy?
Blog03/08/2011 Public Policy Information, Communication and Technology’s adoption, the real driving force behind the development of Society
Blog19/07/2011 Public Policy CEOs proposals to EU Commissioner Kroes on how to achieve the EU broadband objectives for 2020
Blog19/07/2011 Public Policy OECD High Level meeting on the Internet Economy: main outcomes Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog18/07/2011 Public Policy Digital Agenda Assembly: an interesting exercice and many challenges pending! Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog18/07/2011 Public Policy Latin America: XIVth Summit of Regulators and Operators debating on Broadband challenges
Blog11/07/2011 Public Policy New OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises – a step forward for more responsible business conduct