Blog01/07/2011 Public PolicyDigital Literacy – Time for a change in the traditional education system?
Blog28/06/2011 ESGThe major Spanish Corporations have created a Center of excellence to promote corporate reputation management
Blog27/06/2011 Public Policy OECD High Level Meeting on Future of Internet tomorrow Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog20/06/2011 Public Policy The First EU Digital Assembly: a Plea for a True European Digital Single Market
Blog07/06/2011 Public Policy The eG8 Summit in Paris – a step forward for global Internet and broadband policy
Blog05/06/2011 Public Policy Europe celebrates the “Green Week”: How does ICT technology contribute to making the world more sustainable?
Blog30/05/2011 Public Policy Eurodig: 2 days debating on Internet Governance issues Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog24/05/2011 Public Policy The eG8 Forum in Paris, a “Première” for the G8 meeting. Natalia Moreno Rigollot