Blog16/05/2014 Public Policy 17 May, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Chema Alonso
Blog09/05/2014 Public Policy Data portability at the crossroads of data protection and competition policy Chema Alonso
Blog30/04/2014 Public Policy NETMundial is over, but a new era for the Governance of the Internet is just beginning Chema Alonso
Blog25/04/2014 Public Policy “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”: Who should bear the costs of video traffic explosion on the Internet? Chema Alonso
Blog16/04/2014 Public Policy EP’s approval of Digital Single Market Regulation: summary and first reactions
Blog01/04/2014 Public Policy European Commission praises Think Big School as a powerful template for European Governments to develop digital skills Chema Alonso
Blog21/03/2014 Public Policy The European Commission considers that the SmartSantander project has “exceeded expectations”
Blog14/03/2014 Public Policy New steps to revamp citizens’ privacy within the European Union Chema Alonso