Blog26/09/2014 Public PolicyTelefónica input to the FCC Consultation actively advocates for an Open Internet
Blog24/09/2014 Public PolicyLive Discussion on the Challenges for the Internet and the Digital Economy! Presentation of the Telefónica´s Digital Manifesto
Blog23/09/2014 ESG What are the challenges for the Internet and Digital Economy? Presentation of Telefónica’s Digital Manifesto
Blog23/09/2014 ESG Dignity, integrity and the elimination of the violence against women José Manuel García-MargalloCristina Vela Marimon
Blog17/09/2014 Public Policy Millennials identify technology as most important field of study for personal future success
Blog08/09/2014 Public Policy Think Big and Talentum to send 50-strong Millennial delegation to Dublin in October
Blog03/09/2014 Public Policy IGF 2014 – DAY 1: The Net Neutrality Dynamic Coalition session, an anticipation of Wednesday’s Net Neutrality main session Chema Alonso