OECD workshop on how to measure Broadband

This week, on the 14th and 15th, the UK regulator, Ofcom , will host in London an OECD  workshop on revising the metrics for measuring broadband and the Internet economy .   ...

Natalia Moreno

Natalia Moreno Rigollot Follow

Reading time: 1 min

This week, on the 14th and 15th, the UK regulator, Ofcom, will host in London an OECD  workshop on revising the metrics for measuring broadband and the Internet economy.

This analytical and technical workshop is aimed to reach an agreement on the following issues:

• A new definition of broadband

• Which data could be quickly used and analyzed to monitor the deployment of broadband services and who adopts them and what services are adopted.

• Comparable  data, both qualitative and quantitative, that identifies the drivers of Internet usage and impacts on innovation, productivity and entrepreneurship within and across countries.

This is a hard task as Broadband is continuously evolving in every single national  market and to find a common standard definition is hard. Moreover, the national data available on Broadband is not always homogeneous, not even collected sometimes or not for the same periods of time…So the challenge is relevant!

There will be representatives of the ITU, of the OECD but also from the European Commission, apart from national regulators and other national experts. The outcome of the Workshop will be submitted to the OECD ICCP Working Parties for their agreement and for its future implementation.

This workshop can just be attended by invitation due to its technical perspective, but if you are interested on this matter, you can follow it streamed live here.

You can have a look at the whole agenda of the workshop here and also to the background documents here.

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