Most in-demand digital profiles

ICT needs a series of professional profiles with a growing demand. What are they?

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The digital transformation of society encompasses many areas and employment is no exception. Within the framework of the technological revolution we are experiencing, we are facing a new reality with numerous new professional profiles.

What are some of the most in demand?

Digital profiles most in demand by companies

AI experts

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence, understood as the ability of machines to imitate how humans learn or even reason, means that professional profiles related to this technology are on the rise.

This revolution in how AI is affecting our daily lives requires a wide variety of different types of jobs related to it, with some common patterns such as the importance of process automation, data analysis, support for human teams or, depending on the nature of the company in question, even customer service.

Therefore, we are dealing with workers who are experts in programming with deep knowledge also in deep learning or natural language processing and whose task must also address challenges in areas such as computer vision, pattern recognition or automating cognitive tasks.

Cybersecurity specialists

With unquestionable relevance, cybersecurity specialists are responsible for developing strategies that serve as prevention or response to cyber threats, intrusion detection systems or advanced security protocols.

Both to protect sensitive information and to increase customer confidence, this type of professional is important for the present and future of organisations.

Companies such as Telefónica Tech are benchmarks in the field of cybersecurity, in combination with other digital technologies such as IoT, Big Data, Blockchain or the cloud.

Data analyst

Linked to the growth of Big Data and AI, the ability to handle, interpret and analyse large volumes of data is becoming a growing need for companies.

The professional performance of these profiles is marked, in general terms, by the ability to convert the aforementioned data into useful information that can be used to make strategic decisions.

Their work involves obtaining this data, preparing and analysing it in order to subsequently generate related reports, as well as to have related databases. The ability to generate conclusions and proposals is also among its capabilities.

Social Media Strategist

One of the great innovations of the last decades, which affects both from a personal and, undoubtedly, from a professional perspective, are the social networks.

Therefore, the role of the so-called Social Media Strategist becomes essential to plan and execute the strategy in the corresponding social networks with which to achieve the marketing objectives of a company.

Tasks ranging from the creation of content and the narrative line, as well as the ability to analyse data and metrics to understanding trends or the different modifications that may be generated on social platforms, as well as studying those that arise, are the day-to-day work of this professional profile linked to the evolution of digital transformation.

UX/UI Designer

User experience (UX) and user interface (UI) designers seek to improve the relationship between digital products and, as the name suggests, users.

Understanding behaviours and needs as well as developing attractive and functional visual appearances, based on data analysis or user feedback for continuous improvement, are the main tasks of these professional profiles.

Software developers

The digital future continues to be about creating applications, systems or programmes, which is why software developers are of particular importance to improve efficiency.

To adapt to the needs of the company and the market, these professionals are involved in software design, problem solving and even performance optimisation.

Digital profiles most in demand in 2024 in Spain

In Spain, and according to data from Fundación Telefónica, the digital profiles with the highest demand are software developer, digital project manager and ICT technical professional.

Specifically, and according to the figures provided by the Foundation’s Employment Map (an analysis of job offers in digital professions carried out using Big Data and Artificial Intelligence), by the end of 2023, 12,200 software developers, 9,000 digital Project managers and 7,500 ICT technical professionals will be needed.

By autonomous region, Madrid tops the list with the most vacancies offered (almost 20,000) followed by Catalonia (more than 12,000). The following regions are a long way behind: the Valencian Community (3,600) and Andalusia (3,200).

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