Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams
Next week, from 27 February to 29 February, the GSMA will host more than 140 delegations from governments and international organisations at the Ministerial Programme, part of Mobile World Congress 2012.
Now in its eighth year, the Ministerial Programme aims to provide a platform for high-level dialogue between governments, regulators and the leaders of the mobile industry, by providing opportunities for government and industry leaders to discuss key issues facing the entire mobile ecosystem.
The invite-only event takes place during the first three days of Mobile World Congress. Last year senior decision makers from around the globe attended the programme, including 50 government ministers, 70 heads of regulatory authorities, and representatives from governments and international institutions such as the European Commission, ITU and OECD. This year the GSMA expects a greater number of delegations and senior representatives.
The programme has been expanded for 2012 to include greater emphasis on regional issues and hands-on workshops to provide opportunity for in-depth policy discussions between countries. Extended sessions will focus on issues facing Latin America and the Caribbean, the Asia Pacific, and Africa and the Middle East. The programme will also host high-level meetings, such as the Leadership Summit and the Government Mobile Forum, and provide regulators and industry with opportunities for valuable private discussions. The agenda covers key issues from securing spectrum for mobile broadband, to policy frameworks that maximise mobile network investments and universal access.
Speakers at this year’s programme include: César Alierta, CEO of Telefónica, Detlef Eckert, Director DG INFSO, European Commission, Diego Molano, Minister of Information and Communications in Colombia, Franco Bernabé, Chairman, GSMA and CEO & Chairman of Telecom Italia, Hamadoun Touré, Secretary General of the ITU and many others.
At the end of the event, summaries of the discussions and podcast highlights will be available on the GSMA website . While the event is strictly invite-only, requests for attendance for the 2013 can be made to [email protected]. In addition, the programme’s discussion can be followed via Twitter at @GSMAPolicy Hashtag: #MP12
Isabelle Mauro, Head of External Relations.
Luella Charles, Marketing Communications Manager