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Mammals in Distrito Telefónica

In the Telefónica District we find a great biodiversity of animals. We will be describing them from the less visible ones, such as insects, to the more visible and audible ones, such as mammals.

In the Telefónica District we find a great biodiversity of animals. We will be describing them from the less visible ones, such as insects, to the more visible and audible ones, such as mammals.

Álvaro Martín

Chiroptera: bats

The chiroptera are a type of mammal, from the Greek chiro- “hand” and -ptero “wings”, wings on the hands. Thirty-one species of bats have been recorded on the Iberian Peninsula.

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They can be seen in spring and summer at dusk in the central corridors next to the pond. With their flights they capture their prey by the process of echolocation.

They are great maintainers of the balance of nature, above all by controlling insect pests. Some estimates go as far as saying that a single bat can consume between 500 and 1,000 insects per night. In their evolution, as the only mammals capable of flight, they have occupied the niche that insectivorous birds vacate at night.

The species are very similar to each other, so identification is complicated, and it is necessary to hold them in your hands to be able to do so.

The photo of the bat was taken on a very hot summer day in Puerto de Mazarrón, Murcia. It must have fallen out of its daytime shelter. In Distrito Telefónica we have shelter boxes for them.

Talking of other things Murciélago is one of the few words that contains all five vowels. Do you know any more? I’ll give you a hint: one is a male name.

Felines: cats

Felines or felids are another type of mammal that we can see. The cute little kittens are carnivores so they are very skilled predators. Some studies say that together with dogs they were domesticated as early as 10,000 years ago.

The first one I saw strolled around the south square and looked like the famous Cat from “Alice in Wonderland”. Lately a black and white one can be seen in the evening in the area of Norte 3.

Domestic cat Felis silvestris catus



Leporidae: the rabbits

Rabbits are medium-sized and brownish-grey in colour, with a brown spot on the back of the neck and a white belly. Long ears of a uniform brown colour, but without the black spot on the tip characteristic of hares.

They mark territory with urine and droppings. Easy to detect by the presence of cagarruteros, which are accumulations of dark, spherical droppings. Detail in a photo.

They are sedentary animals that live in social groups. They can be seen scurrying around in parks and next to the bridge that crosses the M40.

rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus

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