The magic of learning and acquiring new knowledge at any age

Telefónica, in addition to being one of the largest telecommunications companies in eight countries around the world, is a university with its doors open to all of us who believe in learning as a powerful tool to keep us relevant, adaptable and mentally agile.

the importance of acquiring new knowledge at any age

Jennifer Machado Follow

Reading time: 2 min

No matter how old we are, there is always something new to discover, and each new piece of knowledge acquired enriches us in unimaginable ways. Thanks to this range of training, we acquire new knowledge and skills that keep us up to date and attractive in the labour market. It forces us to be committed to adding value to the organisation and to ourselves, working every day at our best and supporting future generations to prepare for an increasingly competitive world.

A paradigm shift

Organisations are changing, technology is advancing, customers are becoming more and more demanding and employees cannot be left behind. We have to transform ourselves and dare to drive change. Be the change.

And precisely in that journey of knowledge, strengthening our skills allows us to achieve the wonderful union of roles that adds value to the organisation and gives us the opportunity to continue growing. I belonged to the process and digitalisation team, today I am a Scrum Master and Process Architect. My task is to be a facilitator and team leader in charge of guiding the effective implementation of the Scrum methodology.

My mission is to help teams achieve their goals until they reach the final sprint phase, eliminating any difficulties they may encounter along the way. I recently became a certified Product Owner and I am preparing to join the team of environmental management system auditors.

Acquiring knowledge has contributed to my personal growth and has opened doors in the workplace. Learning something new improves our opportunities and increases our personal satisfaction. If not, look at Nelson Mandela, who, despite spending 27 years in prison, never stopped learning and obtained his law degree by correspondence.

The power of learning

Learning is a powerful tool that allows us to adapt, grow and thrive in an ever-changing world – it is never too late to learn something new and move forward into a future full of possibilities.

When I hear the younger generations wondering what to study for and the not so young ones believing that because they are 40, 50 years old they have already lost everything, I leave them with a message. Learning has no expiry date. Every day is a new opportunity to discover something new, to challenge our minds and to grow as individuals. No matter how old we are, we can always learn and improve.

So why not start today? The adventure of knowledge awaits us.

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