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Looking forward to the 3rd ITU Green standards week

The Green Standards Week is an ITU’s idea that consists on inviting all leaders of the ICT sector for one week to discuss the contribution of ICTs towards a more efficient/sustainable...

Chema Alonso

The Green Standards Week is an ITU’s idea that consists on inviting all leaders of the ICT sector for one week to discuss the contribution of ICTs towards a more efficient/sustainable economy. It has been materialized in an annual event organized by the ITU and hosted by an ICT company. The 1st edition of the Green standards week was hosted by Telecom Italia and took place in Rome, Italy, in September 2011. The 2nd edition was hosted by Microsoft and took place in Paris, France, in September 2012. Telefónica will host the 3rd ITU Green Standards Week from 16 to 20 September in its headquarters in Madrid. We are delighted to organize such an important event and are sure that it will be a success, so do not miss it (click here to register)!

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The main purpose of this edition of the 3rd ITU Green Standards Week is to raise awareness of the importance and opportunities of using ICT standards to build a green economy and shape smart sustainable cities. The event will bring together leading specialists in the field, from top policy-makers to engineers, designers, planners, government officials, regulators, academia, standards experts and others. It will tackle an agenda featuring ‘Smart Sustainable Cities’, e-waste, mobile device eco-rating schemes, and climate monitoring and disaster warning using submarine communications networks (click here to view the full programme). It will count with the participation of organizations such as United Nations, European Commission, technology manufacturers, ISO, Gartner and representatives of the smart cities of London, Málaga and Manchester.

In addition to the sessions and focus groups on the topics noted above, the 3rd Green Standards Week will include, among other things, a stands area where participants will be able to know the new green applications and devices of Nokia, Huawei, Fujitsu, Recyclia, ITU, Telefónica and two of the Wayra programme sturtups: @GreenMomit y @SmartTaxi. The Telefónica stand will show the inmotics service and M2M fleet management of Telefónica as well as a smart city platform with a demo of Smart Santander. Atendees will also have the opportunity to make a virtual visit to the Alcalá de Henares Data Center of Telefónica.

Participants will also have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a smart miniature city of the future and attend the ceremony that will unveil the winner of the III Green ICT Application Challenge (a contest that will award the most innovative app for smart cities with a $5,000 prize).

You can follow the event by Twitter @Tef_green #GSWMadrid #Smartcities

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