Lithuania releases the top issues for its EU Presidency

From 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2013, Lithuania presides over the Council of the EU for 1st time since it joined the EU nine years ago. The programme includes the three fundamental...

Reading time: 2 min
Lourdes Tejedor / @madrid2day

Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams

From 1 July 2013 to 31 December 2013, Lithuania presides over the Council of the EU for 1st time since it joined the EU nine years ago. The programme includes the three fundamental priorities for the Lithuanian Presidency – a credible Europe, a growing Europe and an open Europe – and the Council configurations – General Affairs; Foreign Affairs; Economic and Financial Affairs; Justice and Home Affairs; Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs; Competitiveness; Transport, Telecommunications and Energy; Agriculture and Fisheries; Environment; and Education, Youth, Culture and Sport.


During the next six months, the Lithuanian Presidency will focus on the establishment of a single EU digital market through the implementation of the European Digital Agenda. In particular, the Presidency will seek to:

Under the scope of the 2nd fundamental priority – i.e. a growing Europe, the Lithuanian Presidency will also focus on:

  • the establishment of an operational common market for knowledge, research and innovation
  • career opportunities for scientists
  • the international dimension of science, technologies and innovation


In addition, Lithuania will seek to ensure that the Horizon 2020 programme involving the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the Euratom programme are implemented starting early 2014.


Last but not least, on 6-8 November 2013 Lithuania will, together with the European Commission, host the ICT 2013 international conference in Vilnius, which will debate the development opportunities for digital technologies and innovation throughout the EU.


If you wish to read the full Lithuanian Presidency programme, please click here. 


We welcome this new EU Presidency and we wish Lithuania all the best for the next 6 months ahead!

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