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LatinAmerica: impact of mobile technologies

After the presentation last May of the report InnovaLatino , LatinAmerica and the use of new technologies still on the spot for researchers!   Today at 12h00, ...

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After the presentation last May of the report InnovaLatino, LatinAmerica and the use of new technologies still on the spot for researchers!

Today at 12h00, Fundación Telefónica is presenting in Barcelona the study “Mobile Communications and Economic and Social Development in Latin America” (Comunicaciones Móviles y Desarrollo Económico y Social en América Latina).

This study has been carried out by Manuel Castells, sociologist, director of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) in cooperation with Hernán Galperin and Mireia Fernández-Ardèvol.

The report analyses the impact of mobile technologies on Latin America’s social and economic development during the last decade, including regional analysis and specific case studies in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Peru.

or through Twitter: @fundacionTef with the Hashtag: #ftCastells.

Please be aware that the language used in this event will be Spanish!

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