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The key to success for women in the STEM world

How mentoring and networking are changing the rules.

Find out more about the key to success for women in STEM. Learn about the initiatives and resources available

Patricia Robles Mansilla

Reading time: 3 min

Imagine having to put together a complicated puzzle without a reference picture. It can be confusing and overwhelming, don’t you think? That’s how many women feel about entering the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) world. While technical knowledge is critical, having the right references and the right connections can make a big difference on the road to success.

The challenge: women in STEM

Despite advances, women remain a minority in many STEM fields. According to recent studies, less than 30% of professionals in these fields are currently women. This statistic is not only alarming, but reflects a larger problem: the invisible barriers women face, from unconscious bias to a lack of female role models.

These barriers can leave women feeling isolated, especially in a male-dominated environment. But this is where mentoring and networking come into play as necessary tools to help level the field.

Mentoring as an empowerment tool

Have you ever had someone guide you through a crucial moment? That’s exactly what a good mentor does. Mentoring goes beyond sharing knowledge; it’s about building a trusting relationship where you offer support, guidance and, most importantly, a perspective that can determine the direction of a career.

For women in STEM, having a female mentor can be a lifesaver. Imagine having someone who has already walked the path and can help you avoid the most common pitfalls. In addition, a mentor will not only help you grow professionally, but also provide you with the emotional support you need to face the day-to-day challenges.

The power of networking

Networking, on the other hand, is like a superpower that we often underestimate. Connecting with others inside and outside your field not only opens doors to new opportunities, but also allows you to share ideas, experiences and, most importantly, learn from others.

Networking is not just about making contacts at events (although that helps too). It’s about building solid relationships that can take you further than you could go on your own. Plus, in today’s digital world, connecting with others is easier than ever!

Initiatives and resources available

Fortunately, you don’t have to go it alone. There are many initiatives dedicated to supporting women in STEM, offering everything from mentoring programs to networking communities.

In addition, attending events and conferences can be a great way to expand your network and discover new opportunities. Don’t underestimate the power of a virtual coffee with someone you admire or the chance to share your expertise in an online community.


Mentoring and networking are not just buzzwords; they are the keys to helping unlock success in the STEM world. As a woman in these fields, it is vital that you actively seek out these opportunities. Surround yourself with people who support you, inspire you, and challenge you to be better every day. In the end, you will not only be investing in your career, but also in the future of many other women who will follow you.

So what are you waiting for? It’s time to find your mentor, join a support network and start building the path to your success in STEM.


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