Is GDPR the new privacy global standard?

Carlos López Blanco took part in the International Seminar on Personal Data and Privacy in Brazil.

Nuria Talayero San Miguel

Nuria Talayero Follow

Reading time: 3 min

The second wave of digitalization enables better digital lives. To ensure this both Public and Private Sector must engage to build a new “Data Ethics”. Data is much more than just the new oil. For this reason, the management of data is now in the public agenda, and confidence is becoming a business and regulatory challenge, not only for Telefónica, but also for legislators and regulators and for all participants in the digital ecosystem.

More than 100 countries have enacted data protection regulation since 1972. Now Brazilian Congress is working on it. In the context of the draft Bill for Personal Data Protection in the Brazilian Congress, the Special Commission in charge has organized an International Seminar held in Brasilia, on May 10th and 11th.

Carlos López Blanco has participated on this seminar gathering world class experiences on Personal Data Protection and Privacy, bringing insights on successful and unsuccessful points of attention to be considered, particularly drawn by European experience. He took part in the panel “Data protection in Finance, Health Services and Telecommunications” moderated by Sergio Alves.

You may find the presentation here.

The Chief of Public Affairs and Regulation of Telefonica explained we are experiencing a digital revolution where digitalization will shape our lives in ways we can barely comprehend. New opportunities are opening up for everyone, in any location, to create a better world, a world to discover, benefit and share.

Data is everywhere: behind every data there is a story. Digital life is life itself, and technology is an essential part of being human.

Technology now allows the data to not only be stored, but to be put to work to transform our lives, our businesses, our city transport systems, improve agriculture, boost energy efficiency, democratize education, improve diagnoses in hospitals, etc

But more and more, the deluge of data, or its misuse, generates fear over privacy and security, jeopardising the world of opportunities: the full potential of the info-data society and hyperconnectivity will only be achieved if customers trust companies with their data. Digital Confidence becomes a key issue.

As stated by Carlos López Blanco, data rules in the XXI century are vital. In the digital age, the role of legislators is essential:

Settling the principles that will strengthen citizens’ fundamental rights and confidence in the digital age, while facilitating business, by simplifying rules and allowing the necessary flexibility for innovation: A principle based horizontal regulation applying to all sectors (Do we really need a sectorial privacy regulation? Is it even consistent?), an international level playing field while fostering free flow of data and legitimate interest as ground for processing to allow innovation.

Raising awareness about benefits of personal data and risks, putting customers in control and empowering them to make their own choices in the digital world, fostering a privacy culture. The main role of the data privacy agency is building a data privacy culture, empowering users and helping firms develop data privacy processes.

Bringing the required legal and practical certainty and a uniform and level playing field data protection allowing neutral and cost-effective implementation. Pacing the journey and obligations, allowing the time for proper implementation and setting an independent technical agency and appropriate and proportionate enforcement measures.

And finally, Carlos described how as a company our guiding principles are: security, transparency and empowerment. We will empower our customers, enhancing their experiences with Telefónica and innovative third parties, and generating value on their behalf, while protecting them and respecting their individual wishes.

By our evolving role as data-driven company, in a hyper connected society, Telefónica will help business innovation around new and better services, converting data into actionable insights for Telefónica and third parties and enabling data-driven societal benefits.

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