On the International Day of Persons with Disabilities we reinforce our commitment to equal opportunities

Discover Telefónica's commitment to equal opportunities and the milestones achieved on this journey towards a more accessible and connected world.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Reading time: 2 min

Once again this year, we join the International Day of Persons with Disabilities by signing a commitment that, on this occasion, focuses on equal opportunities through the widespread promotion of accessibility, understood as a universal concept, and the removal of obstacles and barriers in physical and digital environments.

At Telefónica, we use the transformative potential of new technologies in an increasingly connected world to improve people’s lives and incorporate accessibility as a transversal element of our products, services, facilities and channels, always in line with our aim of “making our world more human by connecting people’s lives”.

In this context, and with the aim of promoting equal opportunities in all the countries where we operate, we are committed to implementing initiatives that guarantee the inclusion of people with disabilities, both at an internal management level and in terms of our range of products and services.

Here are some of the milestones we have achieved in this regard:

  • We increased the number of employees with disabilities to 2,069 (end of September) people, up from 1,482 at the end of 2022; and we are approaching the goal of doubling it by 2024 to over 2,700 people on staff.
  • Our commitment to diversity and inclusion has recently earned us recognition from Financial Times Diversity Leaders.
  • We encourage an inclusive culture and leadership style, through training and awareness-raising, which includes, among others: courses for employees and managers on the different types of existing disabilities; or workshops for specific teams with special responsibility in this area, such as the People or Communication areas.
  • We have the guide “Disability at work: everyone’s responsibility”, published in 2020 and freely accessible.
  • Together with Fundación Telefónica, we are committed to helping people in all the societies in which we are present, and especially those with disabilities, to develop digital skills that guarantee their full participation in the digital world. Through Fundación Telefónica’s Conecta Educación project, we have trained technicians and trainers from a variety of organisations that work with people with disabilities so that their beneficiaries have the digital skills required by the market, thus promoting their integration.
  • We promote a mutual support organisation in Spain, ATAM, which, after 50 years of activity, is currently adapting its assistance model to cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence or Big Data to optimise care for its beneficiaries in situations of disability.
  • We continuously and globally analyse possible barriers to accessibility, relying on expert partners in the field, such as the ONCE Group or the DKV Integralia Foundation in Spain.
  • We integrate accessibility criteria in all our processes, including any interaction with all binding stakeholders.
  • We promote Universal Design and accessibility from the initial phase of the development of our products and services, as well as their distribution and marketing.

Thank you all for joining us on this barrier-free journey towards a more accessible and connected world where we can leave no one behind.

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