Innovation: at the heart of the EU public policy agenda

Innovation is one of the key issues of the Europe 2020 Initiative and many are the actions fostered by the European Union in this area.

Chema Alonso

Chema Alonso Follow

Reading time: 2 min

Innovation is one of the key issues of the Europe 2020 Initiative and many are the actions fostered by the European Union in this area.

One of them is the Innovation Union, which is the EU strategy to create an innovation-friendly environment in order to better support good ideas that could be turn into products and services that could bring to our economy growth and jobs.

This week, the European Commission presented the 2014 Innovation Union Scoreboard report, which, by the way, revealed very good news: all EU member states have become more innovative, despite the crisis and the gap with the most innovative countries is decreasing!

The annual Innovation Union Scoreboard provides a comparative assessment of the research and innovation performance of the EU Member States and the relative strengths and weaknesses of their research and innovation systems. It helps Member States assess areas in which they need to concentrate their efforts in order to boost their innovation performance. If you are interested on the outcomes of this scorreboard, you can access them here.

However, there is still a lot to do…

Next week, on the 10-11th March, the European Commission organizes the Innovation Convention event in Brussels.

A good opportunity to contribute to the innovation debate from different perspectives, from the policy issues to the funding problems, amongst other interesting issues. It could be also a good occasion to get inspired by the success stories that will be presented during this event.

Here is the programme and registration is free.

Telefónica will participate during the 2nd day of this event, at the roundtable “The digital revolution: riding the next wave of innovation” with the presence of Eduardo Navarro, our Chief Commercial Digital Officer.

It will be the opportunity to debate about the existing challenges to ensure a better innovation policy and the role of the different stakeholders to find better ways for social and economic growth.

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