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In the 21st century, the rich countries will be those which undertake the digital transformation

Within the framework of the inPERÚ tour, Carlos López Blanco, expressed his confidence in Peru’s economic foundations.

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María José Lanuza

Within the framework of the inPERÚ tour, an initiative seeking to promote Peru as a destination for investment, Carlos López Blanco, Telefónica SA’s global head of Public and Regulatory Affairs, expressed his confidence in Peru’s economic foundations and reaffirmed Telefónica’s commitment to the country’s digital transformation at a meeting in Madrid.

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“In the 21st century, the rich countries will be those which are able to undertake the digital transformation, and I’m confident that Peru is ready to face up to the challenges of this transformation,” remarked the executive.

For Telefónica, important steps have already been taken in Peru’s digitization. More than 93% of the country’s households have at least one mobile phone and the penetration of smartphones has increased over the last three years, from 39% in 2015 to the current figure of over 50%. Similarly, the penetration of fixed and mobile Internet among the country’s households has more than tripled between 2012 and 2016, while the level of Internet access in rural homes has multiplied almost 19 times. “This enables the country to access greater possibilities for progress and innovation,” declared the executive, who spoke about the “Challenges and Opportunities of a Country’s Digitization”.

“Peru is one of our leading markets in the region. Throughout the 23 years we’ve been operating in the country, we’ve invested more than 9,530 million dollars in the deployment of telecommunications infrastructure, providing Peruvians with the opportunities of the digital era,” declared López Blanco.

During his presentation, López Blanco commented that Telefónica’s commitment to Peru remains in force. “Telefónica is at the centre of the digital revolution; the technological disruption we’re experiencing is unprecedented and is changing everything. Within this context, we’re aware of the value and growth opportunities Peru represents and we have absolute confidence in the country’s economic foundations and growth model, based on attracting investments and being a member of the OECD by 2021“.

Executives from CONFIEP, the Spanish Confederation of Employers’ Organizations (CEOE), the Secretary of State and Telefónica at the Auditorium of the Espacio Fundación Telefónica in Madrid.

“During the 2016-2020 period we plan to invest around US$ 3,000 million in Peru in the deployment of new solutions, infrastructure and technologies to deliver connectivity to the different areas of the country,” commented López Blanco

The executive identified 3 basic challenges for the country and the region:

  • Promoting productive transformation.
  • Encouraging social inclusion.
  • Developing human capital.

In all of them, the transformation process will play a key role in boosting economic growth and social well-being. Telefónica regards commitment to the digital transformation as an excellent opportunity for Latin America and Peru.

The meeting included a seminar on Opportunities and Perspectives for Peru-Spain and was chaired by Francis Stenning, the President of the inPERÚ Association, with the following participants: José Luis Kaiser Moreiras, Director General of International Trade and Investments, Joaquín Gay de Montellá, Vice-President of the CEOE and President of Foment, Roque Benavides, President of CONFIEP, and Julio Velarde, President of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru. The meeting was brought to a close by Fernando García Casas, Secretary of State for International Cooperation and Ibero-America and the Caribbean of the Spanish Government, and Bruno Giuffra, Peru’s Minister of Transport and Communications.

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