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III Energy Efficiency Challenge

Telefónica’s strategy to meet its green ICT objectives also includes promoting best practices – in 2011 it carried out more than 30 energy efficiency projects worldwide in the network. Hence, during the workshop, annual prizes were awarded to the most important projects and recognition was given to the work of the Group’s most outstanding energy manager.

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The “Best Renewable Energy Project” 2011/2012, in the opinion of the Telefónica team, is the installation in Chile of electrical back-up systems using fuel cells to guarantee uninterrupted 48-hour service in places where it is not feasible to install generator sets. This solution also replaces the battery bank facility, allowing the autonomy requested by the country’s Ministry of Telecommunications. This is the second year running that Chile has been recognised for the “Best Renewable Energy Project”. Juan Manuel Caro, Operations Director of Telefónica S.A, gave the award to Héctor Pizarro and Rodrigo Capetillo, Energy Managers from Telefónica Chile.

The “Best Energy Efficiency Project” award went to the new lighting for the distributor rooms for fixed and mobile networks in Spain. In this initiative, traditional luminaires have been replaced by LEDs and presence sensors have been included to light only those  areas necessary, depending on activity; this will allow annual savings of almost 0.9 million euros. Francisco Donaire, project leader and Energy Manager of Telefónica Spain got the award.

Telefónica’s “Best Energy Manager” for the last year was Bayardo José Galán, of Nicaragua, for the energy efficiency projects implemented and for quality in energy data management. Notable amongst his initiatives was the “Study on Improved Access to Electrical Energy through Telephone Networks” carried out with the GSMA Association. Claudio López, Operations Manager of Telefónica Chile gave the award.

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