“I see Telefónica as a benchmark for connectivity and service”, Raquel Rojo

Meet Raquel Rojo, Corporate Communications Expert at Telefónica S.A. Discover her professional career and personal vision.

Meet Raquel Rojo, Corporate Communications Expert at Telefónica S.A. Discover her professional career and personal vision.
Raquel Rojo

Raquel Rojo Follow

Reading time: 2 min

How long have you been with Telefónica and what is your assessment of your time here? 

I joined Telefónica Móviles in 1996 with a scholarship when mobile telephony was a great unknown in Spain. It was a very enriching period as I was involved in the introduction of a new communications service in our country. My assessment of all this time is very positive, as I am fortunate to work in a dynamic sector such as telecommunications and in a company that also has this dynamism and that has been evolving every day since its origins, providing a service to meet people’s needs. In addition, working in the Communications department, I am in contact with many areas of the company where I work with very professional colleagues from whom I learn every day.  

Is there any project at Telefónica that you feel particularly satisfied with or proud of? 

In general, participating in Telefónica’s day-to-day evolution and feeling part of it generates a sense of pride in belonging. I remember with special satisfaction my beginnings when mobile telephony was a great unknown in Spain, as I mentioned before. First we had to make Moviline known through communication, talking to the media to explain from scratch what this form of wireless communication was. Later, when Movistar arrived (I remember that the advertising said “A star has arrived”), we did a similar job because at the time it was a pioneer in Spain and represented a revolution that had to be presented to users, institutions, journalists, etc. Seeing where we have come from and how we have grown over the years is an incentive to continue promoting Telefónica’s work. 

What do you think Telefónica has contributed to society? 

Although it may sound obvious, communication, with all that this implies in terms of boosting society and interpersonal relations. Telefónica has been a pioneer in Spain in many areas and the common denominator of all these advances is that people have always been at the centre and communications have been placed at their service.  

Where do you see Telefónica in the future? 

I see it as a benchmark in connectivity and service, always in tune with the needs of users. 

Could you live without a mobile phone? 

Yes, although I recognise that I would find it difficult. In any case, I think it is important to get into the habit of intentionally avoiding the mobile phone at certain times of our lives in order to better connect with that moment.  

Help us solve one of humanity’s great enigmas: the potato omelette… With or without onion?  

Always with onion. 

Nominate another colleague to feature in this section 

I nominate my colleague Ana Vega. 

In #Thespanishomelettething tag section we interview Telefónica’s employees on a variety of topics, while trying to solve one of humanity’s greatest dilemmas.

The Spanish omelette ranking







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