“I believe that Telefónica makes possible what society wants,” Gemma Navarro

Meet Gemma Navarro, from Digital Channels at Telefónica de España. Discover her professional career and personal vision.

Meet Gemma Navarro, from Digital Channels at Telefónica de España.
Gemma Navarro

Gemma Navarro Follow

Reading time: 3 min

How long have you been with Telefónica and what is your assessment of your time here? 

I have been working at Telefónica for almost all my working life, since 1989. I have lived through all the company’s logos, except for the first one, that of the C.T.N.E. At that time you entered by exam and I remember I was studying Computer Science and I passed for Computer Assistant, entering in Technical Assistance, in what used to be called the UGIS (Integrated Service Management Unit). 

I have experienced all kinds of jobs up close, from those that were done on the street, through the more technical ones, the sales network, to the planning and business areas. 

The work has evolved a lot, I still remember fellow mechanics, splicers, switchboard operators, assigners, dispatchers, operators… how they used to draw a giant plan where all the distribution boxes were drawn by zones, all the wiring reached the distributor and the telephone numbers that the assigner assigned to each subscriber were written down in pencil, a whole world. In the commercial area, there were huge rotating organisers with an infinite number of tabs where each customer’s contract was kept on paper. Imagine the volume! Nothing like today. 

Then I went to Commercial Distribution, what today are the Stores, and from there I became part of the Secretarial team. Another fascinating stage that led me to my current position in Digital Channels, where I continue to witness the transformation of Telefónica in this technological revolution that I have been fortunate enough to witness and participate in, because I love technology, seeing how things are transformed, processes, learning and sharing knowledge. 

Is there any project at Telefónica that you feel particularly satisfied with or proud of? 

Well, after so many years, several come to mind, but I think you have to be proud of the project in which you leave your mark, the one that you can really tell your mother about in a few words and she will say “what a great daughter”. I start that project every place I go, it’s about making a team, contributing everything I can and discovering the best in others so that we can work together. After so many hours spent at work, feeling at ease and building a positive atmosphere is something that fills me with satisfaction. 

What do you think Telefónica has contributed to society? 

The market is like a big stage where it is not enough for any magician to distract your attention and pull a dove out of the hat. You have to do real magic. I believe that Telefónica makes possible what society wants. We facilitate communication, remote work, the care and security of loved ones, access to renewable energy. This is where the magic happens: making possible the things people yearn for. 

Where do you see Telefónica in the future? 

Well, pretty much in the same place. We are in a very aggressive market and already saturated with services in which it is increasingly difficult to reach and achieve differentiation, the price is important, but in the balance, confidence and the security that we continue to make magic, and good magic, weighs heavily. I have no doubt that Telefónica will continue to evolve. 

Could you live without a mobile phone? 

Yes, it would probably be difficult at first, but the human capacity to adapt is amazing. 

I don’t doubt it, although I admit it would be a remarkable change. 

Help us solve one of humanity’s great enigmas: the potato omelette… With onion or without onion? 

With onion! I love potato omelette in all its forms, and I am lucky enough to have a mother who has won several omelette cups in the village omelette competition. The phrase “come on children, come home and I’ll make some omelettes” always resonates in my family. 

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In #Thespanishomelettething tag section we interview Telefónica’s employees on a variety of topics, while trying to solve one of humanity’s greatest dilemmas.

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