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How does personality influence work?   

Find out more about personality at work, how it influences a person's ability to lead, overcome obstacles, work in a team and increase motivation in a company.

Personality influences a person's ability to lead, overcome obstacles, work in a team and increase motivation in a company.

Personality is a key factor but sometimes it is not sufficiently valued either when looking for a job or in the selection process, although it is one of the relevant factors.  

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Each person has a way of being that makes them capable of dealing effectively with certain situations and environments. On the other hand, they may not be as suitable in others, something that is worth analysing when considering who will fill which position. This is why it is important to pay attention to personality at work.  

How important is the influence of personality?  

Understanding the influence of personality can be difficult, as it affects a wide range of factors. Its impact on how people relate to each other, how they perform for example at work or how they deal with day-to-day situations is significant. Individual traits will have significant effects that need to be managed appropriately.  

Although personality is modelled over time, it has a stable tendency, and makes each person unique. Moreover, personality is composed of two aspects. Personality is made up of two aspects: temperament and character, where one has a biological component and the other is the result of experiences and the environment.  

Depending on the characteristics of each person, recruiters and human resources departments can assign each candidate a task in which he or she can most successfully develop both his or her skills and the tasks assigned.  

For example, two of the most important characteristics are extroversion and introversion. Extroversion favours effective communication and the ability to establish and maintain strong working relationships. They enjoy interacting with colleagues, customers or superiors. They are always in favour of collaboration and are willing to be in the public eye.  

Introverts are the opposite. They are people who prefer individual work to teamwork, are analytical, bring focus to teams and have a high attention to detail. They are generally not comfortable being exposed to the public, but they excel in all of the above. However, one should not think of these two traits as absolutes, as they manifest themselves to varying degrees.  

 Another aspect of personality that influences work is friendliness. Those who excel in this trait tend to be cooperative, understanding and empathetic. The impact they have on their environment is often very positive as they easily understand others. They are also willing to help others, act constructively and are supportive.   

Personality types at work  

Personality types at work vary depending on the approach used. For example, according to Carl Jung, there are eight, while researchers Myers and Brigss increase the number to 16. However, it is Northwestern University that has gone so far as to use Big Data tools. The study carried out by this university in the United States has determined four personality types after analysing a sample of 1.5 million workers: average personality, reserved personality, self-centred personality and what they call the role model.   

In this case, the first of these is a combination of traits including responsibility, kindness and understanding. In addition, they are extroverted, with a certain emotional instability and their expectations are low.  

Reserved people show a way of being marked by emotional stability and analytical ability. However, they are somewhat insecure, while being introverted and when working with other individuals, they tend to keep their distance. While egocentrics have a very high extroversion, they are not characterised by being outspoken people. They tend to be controlling, self-centred and superior whenever they can. Unfortunately, the Northwestern University study categorises this personality as toxic in work environments.  

And finally, the role model does not have many negative traits. This is because their emotional intelligence is developed, which allows them to self-monitor effectively. Therefore, they can be good leaders because of their ability to empathise, motivate and bring teams together under a command that is not tyrannical.  

How do you analyse the personality of employees?  

There is no single way to analyse personality. There are several tests that can be used to draw conclusions, which can lead to a promotion, for example. One of the most common ways is to carry out questionnaires to assess various parameters, such as responsibility, emotional stability or the degree of both introversion and extroversion.  

Interviews are also carried out, especially during selection or performance appraisal processes. They are designed to analyse aspects of the employee’s personality in relation to the job. For example, teamwork skills, decision making, stress management or how the employee handles certain situations that might arise in day-to-day life.  

Depending on what the company is looking for, it is essential to use the most appropriate test. In this way, useful results will be obtained, which can then be used in decision-making.  

 Personality at work is a fundamental factor, which must be taken into account. Its effects on the working atmosphere, performance, team management or leadership are significant, as well as on relations with customers and other employees.   

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