How companies optimise the performance of their professionals through better training offerings

Companies are investing heavily in training to cover the needs of their professionals and to obtain the best productivity in their results. Major technological advances require greater training in knowledge and skills for the development of job functions.

How companies optimise the performance of their professionals.

Lourdes Lázaro Follow

Reading time: 4 min

Those companies that are committed to training obtain greater benefits, and there is no doubt that a competent, trained professional is more productive and efficient, improving work performance and producing great successes for companies in the market.

If we analyse it from the point of view of a professional, it is very beneficial to know your job well, master the tools and be sure to do all the processes in a correct way so that your productivity is higher and you obtain a high growth to continue progressing within the company.

Business strategy

A very powerful business strategy is to provide medium and long term formative growth to talents with strong technical and competitive skills so that they project their loyalty, maintaining their loyalty and commitment to the company, without the need to look outside for gaps that they do not find in their current position.

A big challenge for companies is to analyse each professional according to the performance they have in the company and the objectives they need to achieve. We must be very clear that not all training courses meet the needs of each position. It is important to know how to build training courses that are applicable to each function and each professional, with the aim of promoting growth and motivation that allows the acquisition of skills and growth within companies.

Reskilling and upskilling

The first time I heard these two words, I must confess that they generated a certain uncertainty in me, because ignorance produces a certain insecurity. When the information is grounded and comes down to the professionals in a more orderly way, then you do understand the meaning and the objective that we all have to achieve together.

When we talk about upskilling and become familiar with this concept, we understand that it is really important for a company that its professionals learn to optimise their resources so that the results are more productive and performance is excellent. In many occasions we spend a lot of time on management that perhaps by learning new competences we can be able to reduce time and thus obtain a better result in our productivity. In short, it means optimising our daily work by taking advantage of all the tools and processes we have at our disposal to achieve greater performance.

Reskilling is the big bet of companies, a process that allows a professional to acquire a new role or function within the position or responsibility he or she already holds. How many times have we complained about always doing the same task and not having the option of learning new functions, well, here we have the opportunity to acquire new functions and acquire new challenges.

For the Upskilling and Reskilling formula to work, it is necessary to carry out a great deal of work in the companies to analyse each profile, each professional and their performance and, based on this study, to be able to transfer the best options for growth and help to all their workers.

Training is the key for professionals and companies to achieve the greatest success in their results and objectives.

New training tools

How important it is to take a training course and that your level of satisfaction is optimal, that you decide to continue training and acquiring new skills. Just as technologies are advancing, we must understand that training must be increasingly attractive and competent so that the professional feels complicit in his or her training. And this function is a must for companies.

There is a lot of training on offer in online format and less and less face-to-face training. Capturing the interest of a professional in an online training offer is complicated, but if we manage to make it interactive and the professional feels involved at all times, we may achieve the objective we are looking for, which is to complete the training from start to finish. Training has to be more and more attractive to employees and in this way we will achieve our objectives.

From my point of view, I think it would be interesting to define a training plan for all professionals who are looking for a change in their function and who have the concern or the need for growth or change.  

Sometimes the feeling we have is that having the largest online training catalogue is the result of doing things well and we lose the objective of having the best catalogue with the best quality of services that can be offered to professionals. It is important not to lose the option of including “differential training” in companies, training that is specific in person with teachers and relevant qualifications, which enhances the skills and growth of their workers in a differential way. In this way, companies will be able to have quality internal talent for future positions in the companies that require it.

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