How can we achieve that users trust the future Internet of Everything?

On Thursday 4th of December, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) will gather representatives of public administrations, private sector and academia to explore the digital policy...

Reading time: 2 min

Christoph Steck /@christophsteck

Director of Public Policy and Internet at Telefónica  

On Thursday 4th of December, the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) will gather representatives of public administrations, private sector and academia to explore the digital policy issues that Europe will need to address over the coming decade. In particular, this meeting will explore issues around trust, identity and security on the future Internet.

I am looking forward to present Telefonica and the Digital Manifesto on this occasion. In my intervention I will try to address some key challenges to be able to create broad acceptance for the future digital world: How to create Digital Confidence for users and a Level Playing Field for innovative services and products.

If we want users to fully embrace the Internet in their everyday activities, thus creating the Internet of Everything, building Digital Confidence is a must. Users want to be able to trust and have confidence in the Digital World, and this means to tackle three issues:

  • Transparency: users should be aware on how their private data is used and how their Internet experience is shaped by the usage of their personal data ad information.
  • Privacy: users should be empowered to be in control of their private data, deciding what they want to share or not, when and with whom.
  • Security: in order for users to share private data they need the certainty that their data will remain secured from unauthorized access and that their communications and data traffic will remain secured as well.

On the other hand, innovation and new services will need to be based on a future-proof policy framework. Market changes in the digital economy happen faster than in any other part of our economy, therefore policies need to be shaped accordingly. Maybe the best way to do that would be to create a forward-looking Level Playing Field of policies. Telefonica believes that the best scenario for Internet users would be to achieve this by applying a simple principle: same-service, same-rules.

Click here to see the meeting’s full list of speakers and key topics to be addressed.

If you want more information about our views on Digital Confidence, digital policies and a Level Playing Field, check Telefónica’s Digital Manifesto here.

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