History, progress and commitment

Speech by the Chairman of Telefónica, José María Álvarez-Pallete, to Brazil Spain Chamber of Commerce.

José María Álvarez-Pallete

José María Álvarez-Pallete Follow

Reading time: 6 min

Full speech of José María Álvarez-Pallete

Ambassador of Spain, President of the Brazil Spain Chamber of Commerce, authorities, counsellors, ladies and gentlemen.

Good evening, everyone.

It’s a privilege to be here today in São Paulo, receiving this recognition on behalf of Telefónica and the 500,000 people who have worked for the company over the last 100 years. It’s a real honour to celebrate this Centenary with everyone.

Congratulations also to Minister Fernando Haddad for this well-deserved honour.

Thank you to the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Brazil, its president Marcos Madureira and the entire Board of Directors for this award. Thank you to this organisation for having built a history dedicated to promoting opportunities between Brazil and Spain. Over seven decades, the Chamber has helped many Spanish companies to establish themselves in Brazil and plays a key role in trade, business and bilateral relations between these countries.

I would also like to thank President Lula for his kind message and the way he has always treated Telefónica.

Being here today brings back many memories. Every time I travel to Brazil, the bright colours of the flag remind me of its great natural wealth. ‘Order and progress‘ is a motto that reminds me of Descartes’ reflection: ‘love as a principle, order as a basis and progress as a goal’.

I feel this country is my home, my second home, where I grew up professionally and personally. Brazil is the second country I’ve visited the most, more than 100 times in my life.

Tonight I’d like to emphasise three words.


The first is HISTORY.

The Spanish philosopher Ortega y Gasset said that ‘man does not have nature, but he does have history’. So, please, let me share a bit of history.

Telefónica’s history is one of constant transformation and reinvention. From our roots, deploying copper networks to carry voice, to becoming a platform company, a leader in digital infrastructures. Today, Telefónica is present in Latin America and Europe and is culturally richer and more diverse.

Telefónica was born in 1924 with the aim of connecting, of facilitating communication between people. Our mission has always been to build bridges to strengthen the bonds that unite us as a society. It’s been a marvellous journey with extraordinary episodes of innovation, vocation for service and commitment to people.

This commitment is demonstrated in the most difficult moments, such as those experienced in Rio Grande do Sul or Valencia. Allow me to remember the victims, their families and all those affected by this tragedy.

These are the moments that define us as a company, because that’s when Telefónica shows its best side. For us, remaining indifferent is not an option. Communications are essential, and even more so in such extreme situations. I would like to express my deep gratitude to all the teams for their tireless work and dedication.

A company doesn’t turn 100 if it doesn’t serve the society in which it lives, if it doesn’t fulfil a purpose. Telefónica has been making our world more human for 100 years, connecting people’s lives, and it begins its next 100 years with this firm commitment.


The second word is PROGRESS.

History is also about contributing to something bigger, something better. In recent decades, Brazil has undergone an impressive transformation.

The poverty rate in Brazil has more than halved since 2000, improving the lives of more than 37 million Brazilians, the equivalent of the combined population of Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria. 

The unemployment rate fell by 3.5 percentage points, the lowest level in 25 years.

GDP per capita has grown by almost 40 per cent in the last 20 years. Brazil has gone from being an international debtor to having reserves close to 400 billion dollars, making it one of the top 10 in the world.

With more than 215 million inhabitants, the country has undergone a profound transformation, consolidating Brazil as the largest economy in Latin America and one of the leading economies in the world.

Brazil has achieved a higher level of innovation than its per capita income for three consecutive years. This is shown by the start-up ecosystem in cities like São Paulo, which is ahead of Zurich, Shenzhen, Atlanta or Munich.

A true economic miracle in just two decades.

These achievements reflect the country’s ongoing efforts to diversify its economy, modernise its infrastructure and promote sustainability, positioning itself as a regional and global leader. Part of its development is linked to the efforts and vision of the many companies represented here today.

This story of progress has not gone unnoticed by Spain. Brazil is now a key strategic partner, from an institutional, economic and commercial point of view. It is a key country for the external presence of the Spanish business fabric and one with great potential for growth. Our ties have strengthened and we are now the third largest foreign direct investor.


The third word is COMMITMENT.

Telefónica would not be what it is today without our firm commitment to Brazil. Telefónica, with more than 90 billion dollars invested, is the largest foreign investor in the country.

We wanted to be part of this economic miracle and we committed ourselves to it.

Brazil is one of our four main markets and, together with Spain, one of the biggest contributors to the Group. This is a commitment that goes back almost 30 years, when our path took us to the region. This marked a before and after in the history of our company.

We have become a better company. We’ve done our job by expanding connectivity, supporting the fabric of business and contributing to society, without leaving anyone behind. This is our job and we like to do it well. Thanks to this country’s incredible talent, we’ve been able to take advantage of growth opportunities to roll out our networks and services.

Brazil has made us better. It brings us growth and talent. Eduardo Navarro and Christian Gebara are tangible proof of the many Brazilians who make us better.

Vivo is the leading integrated operator in this market, offering a wide range of digital services to more than 115 million customers and generating 33,000 direct jobs. In addition, it is considered the most sustainable company in Brazil and has ambitious ESG targets that reflect our commitment to grow in a sustainable and balanced way.

New digital technologies, with connectivity at their centre, are the backbone of the future. But we don’t have to wait for the technology, the technology is already here. And now we have to decide how we want it to happen. One example is artificial intelligence. We have an obligation to discuss its responsible use and sustainability.

Artificial intelligence consumes a lot of shared resources, such as electricity, water and networks. We must therefore take this challenge into account. It is necessary to promote responsible use of shared resources when designing public policies.

At Telefónica, we argue that it is time for humanism and the social sciences to guarantee the responsible use of this technology, positioning Vivo as a major partner in the development of Artificial Intelligence in Brazil.

Brazil can and must be a protagonist in the ethical debates that will form the basis for this paradigm shift, with the aim of leaving no-one behind. And Telefónica is ready to contribute.

Imagining and innovating has never been an easy task, but it leads us to success. Telefónica has come this far not just by making predictions, but by turning them into reality.

Today, as 100 years ago, Telefónica continues to imagine and lead the future, a future in which it will continue to connect people. In this future, Brazil is fundamental.

Thank you to the Official Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Brazil for allowing me to share this special moment with all of you.

I’m deeply honoured, let’s imagine 100 more years. Together we can make it happen.

Thank you very much.

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