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Helping I-LINC know the state of the art of education and youth employability

In the  Public Policy blog  we’ve already talked about the I-LINC sustainable platform which seeks to promote digital education, employability, and entrepreneurial...

José Manuel García-Margallo

In the Public Policy blog we’ve already talked about the I-LINC sustainable platform which seeks to promote digital education, employability, and entrepreneurial abilities for the youth of today through collaboration, participation, and education in digital competencies. The project is a coordination and support action (CSA) financed by the European Commission within the framework of the H2020 Program. The consortium includes Telefónica, among others.

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I-LINC intends to become the place where meetings and debates take place for an active community of Stakeholders expert in different issues (education, digital inclusion, employability, etc.), interested in constructively dealing with the design of socio-educational solutions, and the promotion of political actions aimed at modernizing education through ICTs; providing inclusive alternatives to formal education brought from the informal educational sector and the third sector, as well as creating a new social innovation road for the employability of the youth of today.

Given the potential impact of the project within the digital world, one of the goals will be the improvement of already existing platforms creating a common space for understanding, dialogue, and the exchange of knowledge, as well as offering guidelines for promoting tools and services for the modernization of youth education, training, and employability as a mechanism for overcoming digital and socio-economic exclusion.

The creation of I-LINC will allow these already existing communities and activities to link up and interconnect within the scope of learning and ICT inclusion with the purpose of adding all their impacts together, because until now these have only been individual impacts.

A survey about the state of the art of education and employability

In order to reach the goal the project has launched two initiatives: a survey specifically aimed at organizations and public actions focussed within the context of ICTs, education, inclusion, the youth, employability, and entrepreneurship so that they can include their initiatives and projects; and a Wiki debate for identifying and reaching a common understanding within the framework of the digital skills for the youth of today.

The purpose of these I-LINC initiatives is to gather information that can be used for the project’s research about the state of the art of education and youth employability in Europe, observing the characteristics of the projects and initiatives that make up this ecosystem. Being part of the I-LINC database will allow these existing projects and initiatives to link up and interconnect in order to add the impacts of all these communities that, until now, have existed individually.

Follow this link to access the survey and the debate.

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