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Happy World Environment Day With Green Icts!

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On the World Environment Day (WED 2013) we want to dedicate a space to think about on the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in promoting a sustainable economy, and greening the digital world with “Green ICTs”.

In Telefónica, we conceive Green ICTs as a set of activities and processes that create value for the Company in terms eco-efficiency and new business opportunities based on ICT services for global environmental sustainability. For this, we work in energy efficiency and carbon footprint reduction initiative, and in the development of ICT solutions to help our customers be more efficient.

Today is a special day and, for this, we want to invite technology users to think about Green ICTs. You can also make a change with your mobile phone or the internet use! We can save a lot of resources! For example:

  • Virtual meetings avoid travel thus reducing fuel consumption.
  • Automatic control of heating in a building can reduce power consumption.
  • Smart irrigation systems in cities or the countryside, prevent water to be wasted.
  • Data storage in the cloud instead of a CD reduce consumption of materials for their production.
  • The use of the universal charger for mobile phones reduces millions of tons of e-waste and scrap chargers.

Therefore, today we invite you to think about how the use of ICTs in our day to day activities can contribute to a more sustainable world.

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