Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams
From tomorrow, the 21st to the 23rd of June, the OECD will gather the most relevant stakeholders involved in the digital ecosystem. This Ministerial meeting will focus in four key areas of the development of the Digital Economy: Internet openness; digital trust, global connectivity and jobs and skills in this new age.
Telefónica will provide its view during the different meetings and round tables as a key player in the digitalization of the societies where it is present. You can know our opinions through @tefpublicpolicy
We recommend you to read the background paper of the conference: OECD 2016 Ministerial Meeting on The Digital Economy.
And for those with little time the flyer in EN and in ES
Quick links:
- OECD Ministerial web site
- Ministerial agenda
- Live video stream
- Hashtags: #OECDdigitalMX, #digitaleconomy