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First year for our Public Policy Blog!

This month, we celebrate our 1rst Public Policy Blog Anniversary! It is a pleasure to have shared these last twelve month with all of you and to celebrate today our one year milestone. ...

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Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams

This month, we celebrate our 1rst Public Policy Blog Anniversary! It is a pleasure to have shared these last twelve month with all of you and to celebrate today our one year milestone.

ICT world policy is currently crossing an interesting moment with all the challenges to build a successful and Sustainable future that puts Innovation in a relevant place and also Internet, as it is now key for our lives. Broadband and Internet policies are highly discussed in different policy and regulatory fora, without forgetting all the questions raised by the appearance of new business models and new services & products, which has a clear influence on how to tackle Privacy policies too.

During 2011 we have already been talking with you on all these issues and these were your top 10 preferred posts:

  1. Europe leading social innovation by Eduardo Serra
  2. Cloud Computing isn’t just a buzzword by Luis Planas
  3. Telefónica’s views on Cloud Computing: “Global Solutions for Global Problems” by Javier Alonso Lecuit and Rocio Martinez
  4. Smart cities: innovation becoming a reality by Natalia Moreno
  5. Wayra: we want to break the rules! by Gonzalo Martín-Villa
  6. Over The Top Services challenge the conventional wisdom of telecom policy makers by Javier Domínguez
  7. The CEO Coalition: One step ahead to achieve a better internet for kids by José María Álvarez-Pallete
  8. Digital Agenda for Europe and first Digital Agenda Assembly by Natalia Moreno
  9. Data Roaming: A Tale of Two Markets by Public Policy
  10. CEOs proposals to EU Commissioner Kroes on how to achieve the EU broadband objectives for 2020 by Carlos López Blanco

We will continue to debate with you on all these interesting topics during the next months, but for today, let us express our gratitude to every single one of our readers and our followers. We really appreciate your loyalty and your support and we hope that you will keep with us during the next 2012 months!

A special mention to our Twitter followers that read, comment and share our content and help us to widespread the ideas and debates around all the topics mentioned in this Blog.

We do not want to forget our kind contributors all along the Telefónica Group, as without them, this project won´t be possible!

And please let us know if you think that we should cover topics or issues not already mentioned in the Telefónica Public Policy Blog!

Thanks to all of you again and see you soon through the Blog or through Twitter!

The Public Policy Blog Team

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