Find out how we found out the number of kisses we sent this Christmas

Telefónica's Christmas campaign explains the humanity of technology through kisses, a gesture we all make millions of times to wish the people we love the best.

How we found out how many kisses we sent this Christmas.
Ana Belén Vázquez García

Ana Belén Vázquez García Follow

Reading time: 4 min

At the company, we have started the advertising actions to mark our centenary with a spot that revolves around this creative idea and, now, also with an outdoor and press action that combines technology, data, research and innovation

To demonstrate that behind the networks do not pass gigabytes or data, but the lives of people, we have carried out a study that shows the number of kisses that navigate daily between our autonomous communities and/or provinces. Until 15 January you will receive personalised messages about the number of times each of us says goodbye in this special way. I’ll tell you all the details about how we managed to obtain the data.

An action marked by innovation

Like you and me, many people send hundreds of kisses to their loved ones at this time of year. Many of them travel within the same province, others to different communities. Whatever the case, we wanted to count them to show them to you, especially on such special days as Epiphany. These are the techniques and strategies we have used to carry out the action, an initiative that, as you will see, stands out for its innovative nature. 

Around 2,000 surveys across Spain

The project team analysed an internal anonymised database to find out how many calls were made each day on Telefónica’s networks. The results showed that the average number of conversations amounted to more than 19 million. Ninety per cent were made in the same province, while 36% were made between Madrid and Barcelona, two of the most populated provinces in Spain. For its part, New Year’s Eve is one of the days where registration increased significantly compared to New Year’s Eve and Epiphany.

Once this information was obtained, the challenge was to find out how many of these conversations ended with a kiss, especially on the most important dates of this period. Through a quantitative study, a sample of almost 2,000 people between 14 and over 55 years of age living in Spain provided the results.

36% of the calls we Spaniards make in a day end with a kiss. From the Community of Madrid, from Castilla-La Mancha, from Andalusia… the figure encompasses all the autonomous communities in our country. In general terms, more than half of us (55%) always say goodbye with this token of personal affection, especially women (41%). The margin of error of the data obtained is ± 2.23%.

A creative design tool: CAT

To adapt the message to each autonomous community and/or province, the team used a creative design tool called CAT (Content Automation Tool). In a short period of time (2 working days), more than 300 pieces in different formats were created from a basic design template.

CAT’s ability to adapt creatives to multiple sizes also allowed the team to spend less time producing pieces and focus more on the strategy and review stages of the campaign. Opting for automation over traditional operational models at this stage has contributed to the innovative nature of the action. 

A comprehensive media plan that builds on Mobile Out-of-Home

The designed creatives will be projected until 15 January on various physical and digital media with the aim of making it easy for everyone to know how many kisses are surfing from their place of residence. The media plan is designed for three scenarios:

  • Leading national and regional newspapers throughout Spain. More than 100 publications have been created with a message adapted to the audience of the main national and regional newspapers in Spain.
  • Media and digital platforms. Pieces have been created for X and Instagram based on a segmentation of users by location.
  • Outdoor. More than 1,000 digital screens have been distributed at points in 25 provinces such as bus shelters, shopping centres and squares, and a highly visible banner has been placed on Avenida de América (Madrid).

The media plan strategy has been complemented with Mobile-Out-of-Home, a format that allows to re-engage users who have seen the campaign outdoors through their mobile devices. Each of us has an identifier on our smartphone that locates us in a certain area. Through a programmatic advertising platform that uses retargeting, we can show the message again in other formats such as video or audio podcast.

The innovative nature of this action, which forms part of the ‘Besos’ campaign, has allowed us to reach a large number of citizens in the different autonomous communities and/or provinces with a personalised message. The main communication objective has been to demonstrate that Telefónica’s networks do not carry gigabytes or data, but rather people’s lives. Especially in the year of its centenary, the company wants to transmit that it is people who give meaning to technology.

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