European Parliament Committees Meetings

IMCO Committee webstreaming 25 May   9.00 – 10.00  Exchange of views with Commissioner Reding in context of structured dialogue on the...

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IMCO Committee webstreaming

25 May


9.00 – 10.00  Exchange of views with Commissioner Reding in context of structured dialogue on the Commission Work Programme 2011- 2012


26 May


11.30 – 12.30 Exchange of views with Commissioner Neelie Kroes in context of structured dialogue on the Commission Work Programme 2011- 2012


ITRE Committee webstreaming


26 May


15.00 – 17.30  Mini hearing on ENISA


LIBE Committee webstreaming


24 May


9.30 – 10.10    A comprehensive approach on personal data protection in the European Union – Consideration of amendments


10.45 – 11.25 Critical Infrastructure Warning Information Network (CIWIN) –                 Presentation by the Commission of the state of play and exchange of views


11.25 – 12.00  ENISA – Presentation by the Commission and first exchange of views


25 May


9.00 – 9.40  Attacks against information systems and repealing Council Framework Decision 2005/222/JHA – Presentation of the state of play of negotiations(feedback of the trialogue) in the Presence of Mr. Hernandez Bataller, President of the Study group of    EESC


9.40 – 10.00  Sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography – Presentation of the state of play of negotiations(feedback of the trialogue)





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