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Eradicating poverty in 2030 – a feasible priority?

“ Poverty [....] is the greatest global challenge facing the world today, and we attach the highest priority to the eradication of poverty in the United Nations post-2015...

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Lourdes Tejedor / @madrid2day

Community Manager y Editora. Telefónica S.A.

Poverty [….] is the greatest global challenge facing the world today, and we attach the highest priority to the eradication of poverty in the United Nations post-2015 development agenda. This must be supported by effective, appropriate means of implementation and strengthened global partnership for development. It entails, among other objectives, the promotion of employment and decent work for all, improvement in access to social services, the eradication of illiteracy and diseases, in addition to integrated, coordinated and coherent national and regional strategies”.

This is the wording of point 43 of the “Declaration of Santa Cruz”, drafted in Bolivia at the G77 Summit of the 133 member countries which comprise the Group of 77 and China. According to this group, inequality is more acute than ever “because of the prevalence of extreme wealth while poverty and hunger continue to exist”.

The deadline to eradicate it would be 2030. By then, we must tackle what is holding us back today, which in the opinion of the Group of 77 and China is, above all, the world financial and economic crisis, continuing food insecurity, the volatility of capital flows and the extreme volatility of commodity prices, energy accessibility and the challenges posed by climate change for developing countries. Corruption is also a serious obstacle.


In the Declaration, the governments of developing countries are urged to foster sustained and inclusive economic growth, with “the generation of employment as a priority, in particular for the young population, improvement in the provision of universal and affordable access to basic services, the provision of a well-designed social protection system, the empowerment of individuals to seize economic opportunities, and measures to ensure the protection of the environment”.

Hence, there is a need for incorporating sustainable development even more at all levels, integrating economic, social and environmental aspects and acknowledging the links existing between them.

In short, to paraphrase the slogan for the summit, let’s move towards a new world order to live better.

Further information: Are the Millennium Development Goals being met?

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