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Embracing the digital (r)evolution

On 9-10 June EuroDIG 2016 will take place in Brussels at the Square - Brussels Meeting Centre. EuroDIG , the Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance, is an open platform for informal and...

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Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams

On 9-10 June EuroDIG 2016 will take place in Brussels at the Square – Brussels Meeting Centre. EuroDIG, the Pan-European dialogue on Internet governance, is an open platform for informal and inclusive discussions on public policy issues related to Internet Governance.

It was created in 2008 by several organisations, government representatives and experts, and gathers experts on these topics in an annual conference that takes place in a different capital city. EuroDIG ‘messages’ are prepared and presented to the UN-led Internet Governance Forum.

EuroDIG 2016 is hosted by EURid in cooperation with the European Commission, which will be represented by Günther Oettinger, EU Commissioner for Digital Economy & Society (livestream keynote speech), and Andrus Ansip, Vice President of the European Commission (livestream keynote speech).

Telefónica will actively participate in the 2016 edition of the Eurodig at the session the impact of Zero Rating on stakeholders including users in which Gonzalo López-Barajas, Public Policy & Internet Manager of Telefónica, will provide Telefónica’s view on this topic.

We invite you to know more about which is our vision on this critical issue (10th June at 14:30pm livestream session).

EuroDIG 2016 will explore interesting topics and we have a list of recommendations for you:

  • Embracing the digital (r)evolution (9th June at 9:30am livestream session).
  • The socio-economic effects of transnational data flows and discuss implications for policy making (9th June at 14:30pm livestream session).
  • The challenges to enable, and protect the rights of minorities (persons with disabilities, migrants, refugees or other disadvantaged or excluded groups) to access the internet and, once online, the barriers they face to participate fully in the online environment (9th June at 14:30pm livestream session).
  • Human Rights and the economics of the Internet (10th June at 09:45am livestream session).
  • Government surveillance, cybersecurity, terrorism and anonymity (10th June at 11:30am livestream session).
  • Good practice in cybersecurity (10th June at 11:30am livestream session).
  • Current practice on cybersecurity in Europe and the challenges ahead in terms of trust, regulation and governance (10th June at 14:30pm livestream session).
  • Internet Fragmentation from both a technical and jurisdictional point of view, and the implications for Europe (10th June at 16:30pm livestream session).

These are just a selection of the topics that we believe are the most interesting but there are many others that will be of your interest too! Click here to see the rest of the topics explored and the full program of the event.

We look forward to an on-going conversation on all these topics!



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