Discover the new Sustainable Development Goals: Accept the UN challenge and #TellEveryone!

Poverty, inequality and climate change. Society has spoken and decided that these should be the three basic cornerstones of the new Global Goals for Sustainable...

Reading time: 3 min
Laura Cabo y Lourdes Tejedor - Responsabilidad Corporativa de Telefónica S.A.

Laura Cabo y Lourdes Tejedor – Responsabilidad Corporativa de Telefónica S.A.




Poverty, inequality and climate change. Society has spoken and decided that these should be the three basic cornerstones of the new Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDGs; Spanish initials: ODS).


More than 7 million people have been a part of an unprecedented process, thanks to the My World survey, whose objective was to develop this issue in a “more inclusive” manner.   The Millennium Development Goals were a historical milestone; however, none of them has been fully achieved, and this is starting point of the new SDGs.


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From the eradication of hunger or the right to enjoy safe drinking water, to the right to a dignified job, equality of the sexes or the reduction of inequality in general, the new SDGs cover more social dimensions than the eight Millennium Development Goals did, thereby providing a response to the needs that those goals highlighted. In total, there are 17 challenges and 169 goals to work on in the next 15 years in order to make a better world. A dream to make come true by 2030.


The SDGs have the support of the provide sector as a key player within the execution strategy. Once again, Telefónica has taken a step forward, well aware that ICT is at the heart of the solution of the main problems facing the planet.  ICT, means better education, ICT means transparency and ICT  means more efficient usage of natural resources…


And you?  ARE YOU WITH US?



 How? The first step is to spread the goals! In order to do that, the #TellEveryone hashtag is being used. The idea is to reach 7.000 million people in 7 days!




At Telefónica we believe and trust in My World from the beginning, in order to get the world involved in the definition of this global agenda. In fact, our efforts in promoting this initiative led to our receiving the My World Communication Award last year.


My world was much more than a survey. It includes stories of hope and dreams – experiences which were included in the “Voices of the People” exhibition, which, as part of its international tour, landed at Telefónica’s flagship store in Madrid.






Telefónica signed a collaboration agreement in September 2014 with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). This agreement, signed by Carlos López Blanco, Director General of Public Affairs and Regulation at Telefónica, covers initiatives of common interest and places special emphasis on Latin America.


The objective of this cooperation is to join forces for the “post 2015” agenda, the development of young people’s skills in Latin America (entrepreneurship, use of ICT, employment opportunities, etc.) and social innovation projects.


Among the initiatives implemented recently by Telefónica and the UN, we can highlight the aforementioned spreading of the My World survey, the “Voices of the People” exhibition, the implementation of the new platform for the Regional Human Development Report, and the PeaceStartup project, aimed at promoting digital solutions which will contribute to peace in Colombia.

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