Digital transformation for building back better Latin America and the Caribbean

Telefónica participates in the presentation of the Latin American Economic Outlook (LEO) 2020 at Casa de América.

Reading time: 2 min



On 26 November, Telefónica participated in the presentation of the Latin American Economic Outlook 2020, produced by the OECD Development Centre, CAF (Latin American Development Bank), ECLAC (United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) and the European Commission, organised by Casa de América.

This report analyses issues related to sustainable and inclusive development in Latin America and the Caribbean and this year it has been entitled “Digital Transformation for a better reconstruction”. This document compares Latin America’s performance with that of other regions, analysing the main development challenges and proposing recommendations, experiences and good practices for the development of public policies for the region’s future recovery.


Latin American Economic Outlook


The presentation was attended by prominent business leaders and government authorities, including Trinidad Jiménez (Director of Global Public Affairs Strategy at Telefónica), Mario Cimolli (Deputy Executive Secretary of ECLAC), Carlos Santiso (Director of Digital Innovation in Government at CAF), Mario Pezzini (Director of the OECD Development Centre), Jolita Butkeviciene (Director for LAC in the European Commission’s Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development) and Manuel Escudero (Spanish Ambassador to the OECD and President of the OECD Development Centre) as well as Cristina Gallach (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Latin America).

The report Latin American Economic Outlook 2020 addresses the role of the digital transformation as a tool for promoting development in the region, especially in the context of the current Covid 19 crisis.

The report explores how the digital transformation can help to address the current socio-economic situation, boost productivity, strengthen institutions and achieve higher levels of inclusion and well-being for society in the region. LEO 2020 also highlights the key role that international partnerships and international cooperation have in harnessing the benefits of the digital transformation.


Trinidad Jiménez

Trinidad Jiménez, Director of Global Public Affairs Strategy of Telefónica, during the presentation of the report.

Trinidad Jiménez highlighted the essential role of the private sector in helping to close the gaps in the region and indicated that digitisation is the facilitating lever for getting out of the current crisis more quickly, but ensuring that no one is left behind, putting technology at the service of people, building a more digital, more sustainable and competitive, but inclusive, economy and society.

She recalled the importance of increasing connectivity levels to reduce the gaps between connected and non-connected people, the relevance of having a policy and regulatory framework that encourages investment in infrastructure, as well as greater coordination between public and private agents to ensure optimal connectivity. Trinidad also indicated the need to promote the digitization of public administration and the productive sectors, without forgetting to give access to the uses of digitization to all groups of the population, strengthening digital capacities and skills, and thus addressing the asymmetries that exist in the region.


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