Here are some of our recommended readings for May!
– Economic & social ICT impact
“Digital Life in 2025 The Internet of Things Will Thrive by 2025, Pew Research Center
This report analyses opinions on the potential evolution of Internet of Things by key experts. It also raises interesting issues such as the challenges ahead of these future trends (tech complexity, challenges of privacy, etc…)
Have a look here.
“Big Data: seizing opportunities, preserving values”, The White House, USA.
Report issued by the Executive Office of the US President, after the query by Mr. Obama himself to deliver a study to examine how Big Data will transform our lives, our work, the Public administrations but also the users & consumers.
This review focuses on how the public and private sectors can maximize the benefits of big data while minimizing its risks. It also identifies opportunities for big data to grow the economy, improve health and education, and make the nation safer and more energy efficient. A must read here.
“Resilient Pathways: The adaptation of the ICT sector to climate change”, ITU
This interesting report has been issued by the ITU, along with the UNFCCC and UNESCO with support from Deutsche Telekom. It shows the strong support brought by ICT to respond to the challenges posed by climate change. The main conclusion is that adaptive practices for the ICT sector will become part of the ‘new normal’ as climate change impacts increase. For green people!
You can access it here.
“mHealth App Developer Economics 2014, The State of the Art of mHealth App Publishing”
This is an interesting yearly study on the state and the future of mobile healthcare. This report is based on the perspective of more than 2.000 mobile health app developers, health managers, project managers, amongst others. It describes the current market and the future impact of mHealth app publishing, a breakdown of different app stores, breakdowns of who is publishing mHealth apps today, the business aspect of publishing healthcare apps and also an outlook of how the market will look like in the future.
Here it is.
– Internet trends
“Internet Trends 2014” Mary Meeker, KPCB
This is a well-known yearly report by Mary Meeker, former Internet analyst of Morgan Stanley and now working in Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers (KPCB). It gives huge and useful information and data on the status of Internet and its use, but also on the whole Internet ecosystem.
“The EU 2014 Digital Scoreboard: how did you fare?”, European Commission
This yearly report delivered by the European Commission realizes a follow-up on the achievements of the European Digital Agenda. Apart from that, it brings useful data on the use of Internet and the trends detected in Europe but also on the challenges that this region needs to face to achieve the digital economy. It includes a very explanatory video and also a nice infography on the existing Digital Divide in the EU and the tools to close the gap. See the infography here.
– Innovation
“Clearing the innovation hurdles”, TMT team from PWC.
According to this report, leading innovators in the Technology, Media and Telecoms (TMT) industries succeed by identifying and taking action on six key areas that any company can put in place. Interesting reading.
– Data protection & privacy
“Rethinking Personal Data: A New Lens for Strengthening Trust”, World Economic Forum
Amazing report in which we could find smart ideas on how to approach the challenges raised by the increased use of personal data and the lack of trust from users. It proposes a new approach based on transparency, accountability and empowerment of users. Very recommended lecture.
– ICT Public Policies
This is the report of the European Expert Group created to provide un deep analysis on the way taxation should evolve in a digital economy in the EU. This group is chaired by Vitor Gaspar, a former finance minister of Portugal, supported by six experts from across Europe with different backgrounds and expertise on the subject. On 28 May 2014, the Expert Group presented its Report to President Barroso.
Cloud computing in Latin America. Current situation and policy proposals, UN, ECLAC.
This report presents a good overview of the cloud computing market in Latin América, analyzing also the obstacles for its development and finally proposing some recommendations of policy action to ensure the success of Cloud in this region.
You can access the report here.
Have a good week-end and an interesting reading!